Best Remark of the Day "I'd rather not say the "no" but will say that RockStar recruiting, Bountyjobs and Dayak are worth looking into. ERE has a trustworthy splits board, too." ~ Toni Buccarelli
Maureen Sharib Maybe we could talk abt this today? Disaster Preparedness for Sourcers? Here's the
link abt my travails.
Toni Buccarelli M- I think it is important to stress that everyone has at least one landline phone plugged into a phone jack, vs. cordless or VoIP. The "phone company" has longer staying power than the 'power' companies.
Maureen Sharib I agree Toni. Besides that, as you know, I recommend every phone sourcer use a land line.
Recruiting Animal Did you read the
profile of David Perry? He's got some wild sourcing techniques
Denyse Diem why do you recommend that every sourcer use a land line?
Tuesday's MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat Log
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