This is related to a discussion we had on here recently. I see a twitter come across from an adorable fresh faced kid yesterday/I mean adorable – smiling red-haired, friendly looking guy. I have no idea why I'm following him. I just am.

FreshFace is not his real name but he's "...rad. Living the life in NYC."

FreshFace: interview in 30 minutes. surprisingly cool. I have a tendency to freak out when I'm on this side of the desk.

Fresh Face: just nailed the interview! also, this was waiting outside for me. scary.

So I says:
@Fresh Face Just nailed it? Someone, somewhere is saying “Uh,Oh”.

And he says:
FreshFace: Hope those "UhOh"s are from the other applicants! Always interesting when the HMs don't leave you w/ a doubt during the intv.

Unable to resist, I says:
@FreshFace So you think you got it?

And he says:
Freshface: 99% sure. I wouldn't have talked to anyone the way the HM did if I wasn't absolutely ready to bring them on.

I wonder what is going to happen. Anyone wanna’ guess? I'll follow his progress and report back but in the meantime...let's lay odds.

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Well... in the past, I've been THAT sure many times. And, most times I've been correct. However, there have been a couple where I was unpleasantly surprised. So, I really don't know what's going to happen with this kid. Nor, do I know anything about his core skill set, personality or the job and company he was interviewing with.

But, purely on a hunch; I'll say he does not get the job.
IB @ChrisPMcGill - if only I got paid on how many candidates think they nailed it in the interview - 10-15% chance for this kid
This kid blew it and will never be given a straight reason as to why.
I agree: he blew it. I think interviewers let their guards down, becoming casual and conversational in interviews when they already decided the candidate is not going to work out. The interviewers presumably feel good that they let a candidate leave on a high note (i.e.--"at least I didn't put him through the ringer")...and the candidate never gets a clue, whistling all the way home, like a moth to a flame...
I checked - no. All's quiet on the eastern front.
Still quiet even though I asked...not exactly a good sign, is it?
OK, so it seems the kid may have perception issues, and none of these hard core uber experienced Recruiting professionals believe he did actually blitzed the interview.

Can we give people tips as to what would be a sign that the little fella had actually blitzed the interview?

I'll start...

a) a Contract on the table to sign before he leaves the office.
b) a tour of the office is normally a good sign
I wish for the kid's sake you were wrong. He has a better chance becoming president than getting this job. Going off topic and being nice is the way the HM spent the 25 of the 30 minutes of the interview.


David King said:
I agree: he blew it. I think interviewers let their guards down, becoming casual and conversational in interviews when they already decided the candidate is not going to work out. The interviewers presumably feel good that they let a candidate leave on a high note (i.e.--"at least I didn't put him through the ringer")...and the candidate never gets a clue, whistling all the way home, like a moth to a flame...
Not sure yet but he's talkin' about rejection w/ a person I am not following (and who is protecting their tweets) and getting drunk over the event...hmmm....doesn't sound good.
Following Dan's suggestions on Other Tips and Good Signs after an interview:
c) Questions to the candidate about upcoming vacation or travel plans that the future employer should be aware of.
d) Introductions to the other staff members the candidate would potentially be working with, but were not in the formal interview.
e) An immediate follow up interview with another senior member of the team at the close of the interview ("Let me see if the SVP of Operations is available to meet with you for a few minutes...")

Dan Nuroo said:
OK, so it seems the kid may have perception issues, and none of these hard core uber experienced Recruiting professionals believe he did actually blitzed the interview.
Can we give people tips as to what would be a sign that the little fella had actually blitzed the interview?
I'll start...

a) a Contract on the table to sign before he leaves the office.
b) a tour of the office is normally a good sign
Sept 17 Tweeting that he needs a "new career" and he's attempting to stay abreast of the "latest HR crap" while admitting job search is daunting. I guess he didn't get that job, after all.

FreshFace has got a bad attitude, if'n u ask me...

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