OT - Black Holes That Can Rip Stars Apart...Loom in Our Future...

New proof: Black holes rip apart stars


"Astrophysicists have found evidence of black holes destroying stars, a long-sought phenomenon that provides a new window into general relativity.

Researchers at New York University sifted through data on more than 2 million galaxies to search for signs of flares that result when a star is torn apart by a black hole.

Cosmologists have calculated that, on occasion, a star’s orbit will be disturbed in such a way that it passes very near the super-massive black hole at the center of its galaxy—but not so close that it is captured whole. Such a star will be torn apart by the extreme tidal forces it experiences.

While some of the star’s matter falls into the black hole, much of it continues in chaotic orbits, crashing into itself and producing intense radiation lasting days to months. These phenomena are called stellar tidal disruption flares.

Full story at Futurity."



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Coming to our galaxy soon...a BLACK HOLE that can shred our sun without even noticing the event.

Just to think some thought we were the center of the universe...relatively speaking.

Wait were not? Stellar tidal disruption flares is some name- STDF for short?



No vaccine for STDF...we're SOL.

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