For an article I'm writing, I'm looking for stories of recruiters who have received objects from job seekers, such as in thanks or in a variation of that classic shoe package 'to get a foot in the door', or for any other reason.

If you've received multiple objects, I want to know about the one that was most memorable.

If you'd like to be quoted in the article, please leave me your Twitter handle or website url so I can mention it too.

Thanks in advance,


Jacob Share
Job Search Expert & Professional Blogging Consultant

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Once, we had a completely unqualified candidate that was determined to interview for one of our jobs.  After she showed up at our office a few times without an appointment, and after being told repeatedly (very nicely, I might add) that she was not a good fit, the corporate HR department finally had to get in touch with her and tell her to stop.  Her response?  She sent us a bag of mixed nuts with a note that said "I'm not nuts...I just really want to work for you!"  Clever, but still doesn't give you the skills I'm looking for.  This was definitely the most memorable thing I've received...but not in a good way. 

Had a candidate interviewing for a management level IT spot. His mother sent me a gorgeous basket with chocolates and a bottle of vodka with a note that said. Thank you helping Ralph with his job hunt. You will need this before it's over. I did, he didn't get the job and was high maintenance.

I sent his mother a thank you note and said I was sorry he did not get the offer.

She sent a note back that said, "me too".

a robe.

A candidate sent me an actual paper resume in an actual envelope and sent it through the regular mail.  Weird.:)


Tracey Cress said:

A candidate sent me an actual paper resume in an actual envelope and sent it through the regular mail.  Weird.:)

This might not be unique but I considered it a "treasure". A candidate sent me a handmade card with her beautiful handwriting (that I see it for the first time!) expressing her heartfelt thoughts and appreciation for believing in her and securing for her a job that she desired.  I haven't seen such personalised cards, better still being handwritten, in years since the advent of emails and social media. I felt so pleased and proud - it really made my day and wiped away my earlier frustrations.  I was so proud that I showed it to my colleagues - just to share my little joy... :D

Bill- a robe? Are you serious? What kind of message came with it?

Tracey- hilarious. I thought the same thing when I looked back at my own experiences.

Ellen- you should attach a picture of the card, now we're all curious to see it.

Thank you all for the stories. If you have a Twitter handle or website, please share it so I can include it in my article.

Here's the card - simple & sweet...



Awesome! Thanks for that, Ellen

Ellen Cheong said:

Here's the card - simple & sweet...


Dog biscuits.

What happened there?

Valentino Martinez said:

Dog biscuits.

Hello Jacob,

Glad you asked.

I should point out that I was recruiting “creatives” for an advertising group within the Ralston Purina Pet Product Company.  A résumé accompanied some dog biscuits which were uniquely designed and packaged —demonstrating this particular candidate’s take on how dog biscuits could be marketed.

While getting dog biscuits along with a résumé for employment consideration for Purina was not surprising it was strange and a bit out of the normal when one thinks about what recruiters experience with job applicants.

BTW--as a recruiter I have no scruples about using dogs or cats to help me recruit engineers…  Seeing the example I’ve added below gave many an engineer, and others, pause that I would use paws get their attention.  It worked very well.

This may inspire your next forum discussion question as in: “What is the strangest thing we as recruiters ever used to attract interest in a job from potential job candidates?”


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