Bill Vick


Plano, TX

United States

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Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Technology, Other
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  • Slouch

    Bill I have a question. If a recruiter getting into the business asked you what is the best recruiting tip you can give, what would it be
  • Bill Vick

    Jason - I posted this response on your page and am copying it here.

    To start with a large firm known for it's training or with a smaller firm with the same. I think the biggest mistake a new recruiter can make is not learning the basics of the business and understanding what makes a placement. Its still about a good job order, a motivated super star candidate, a process that works and a niche that is viable.
  • Maureen Sharib

    Hi Bill - I have a project I want to get started - it's called - I would appreciate any press you could give me - I'm not ready but here it is in a nutshell:

    I hope will become the place where companies will come to find trainers (and sourcers!) for their sourcing needs - sound interesting to you?

    513 899 9628
    513 646 7306 cell
  • Bryan Starbuck

    Hi Bill,

    I am very happy to join the recruiting online community. I look forward to meeting so many people online and offline.

    I'm if you want to connect on Linked-In.

  • Leslie Mason

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the invitation... I saw you speak at the DFWTRN meeting last year. I'm for LinkedIn invitations.

  • Tilak

    Thanks for your invitation. I am looking forward to meeting so many people online.

  • Jacob Share

    Thanks for the invite, Bill. Look forward to seeing you on :)

  • Kiran Dusi

    Bill, thanks for the invitation. I need your expert guidance in achieving my career goals.
  • Fiona Cherbak

    Thanks a lot for the invitation, Bill!
  • Rowan Manahan

    Nice to meet you Bill
  • Kristi Young

    Hi Bill! Good to "see" you again...
  • Ana Maria Russo

    Thank you for the invitation ! Hope to be helpful :)
  • wong

    Hi Mr. Bill, thanks for your invite. Hope we can share lots of knowledge. See you at the top!
  • Vinoo Raj

    Thanks for the invitation Bill.
  • Michelle Stair

    I love your one minute interviews with recruiting superstars!
  • Achyut Menon

    Thanks for the invite,Bill. I have read some awesome insights from you, and look forward to being associated. Do let me know if you need any assistance in India!!
  • Roshind

    Thank you for your invite.........looking forward to learn more from you.
  • Seema Gupta

    Thanks for the invite Bill. Looking forward to some interesting discussions!!
  • Randall Birkwood

    Thanks for your invitation, Bill.
  • sunflwer826

    Thanks for the invite Bill, I'm looking forward to learning from you.
  • sweat1951

    Thanks, Bill, for inviting me.
  • Dawn Turner

    Hi Bill. Thanks for the invite!
  • Mick Wist

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Swapna Vaidyanathan

    Nice meeting you Bill ( virtual) Thanks for the invite.
  • Greg Le Noue

    Thanks for the invite...look forward to reading your blogs!
  • tommy butler

    Hi Bill

    Thanks for the invite
  • Pete Altieri

    Bill, great to meet you and lets chat soon; your blog is great
  • Chris Giacchi

    Thanks for the invite Bill.
  • Silas Peterson

    I'm brand new the entire recruiting community, but all indications point to a fun and exciting group of people spread across the country. Glad to be here. Thanks for the invite.
  • Kavitha Ratnam

    Hi Bill
    Thanks for the invite! Good to know you
  • jobboardguy

    Thanks for the invite my friend.
    Hope all is well.
  • Donato Diorio

    Hey Bill, you're just everywhere. Give me a holler sometime. New Broadlook product due Aug 21. Love to show it to you.
  • Paul Jacobs

    Thanks for adding me as your friend. I just listened to one of your one minute interviews - I hadn't come across this before - great idea for people like me who have a short attention span or struggle with an American accent. Paul
  • Naaash

    HI Bill,

    Thank you, for the invitation.

  • Randy Bernard

    Thanks for inviting me to join the group, Bill. I look forward to the discussions.
  • Slouch

    Hey Bill, I just left you a v message. im around