Catherine Horgan

, Female

Charlotte, NC

United States

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  • Recruiting Animal

    Your name sounds familiar? Do I know you from another site?
  • Recruiting Animal

    Yes, I do. I just didn't recognize you with your hair out of your eyes! Both photos meet critical standards. Congratulations. "Approved".
  • Recruiting Animal

    Psst! Tell Givertz to get out of here though. I don't know if I want to be in the same group as him.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Whatever do you do on your other social networking sites. I go to people's pages, look at their pictures and make quips about them on the chatter walls. (And get big bucks for doing so).
  • Recruiting Animal

    After I've known you for awhile, I might let you in on that secret. To start off with though you can't say stuff like "Thanks for the invite." or, God forbid, "How can I help?".
  • Recruiting Animal

    How can I help?
  • Recruiting Animal

    No I'm not. How dare you? And we just met!
  • John Walker

    Thanks for adding me.
  • Job Blogger

    Thanks for adding me.
    Check out my blog