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  • Gautam Ghosh

    thanks for liking it Jason :-)
  • David Perry

    You're right. typical though. We had to go to Vegas to get the finest Black Angus beef from Alberta. Kennedy rockecd and I had a blast. took me a week to get over it. Glad i didn''t stay up all night and clean out the black jack tables like you. I don't know where you get the energy.
  • Jackie Bellanco

    Hi Slouch, thank you for the invitation. I found the RecruitingBlog from ERE.Network, and read that his former boss was giving him a hard time with this website, so I joined...... : )
  • Pete Altieri

    good to be here! In text or video!

    jobster network feed? J-D what in the wide world of sports are you doing to us here?

    chad said that YOU said that I was busting your balls for the jobster thing. Perhaps I shouldve post scribed the comment with a smiley or maybe a j/k shout. Either way, thanks for taking it task. You have a great little community here. I just like to cause havoc. :)
  • Greg Le Noue

    Thanks! I hope my "flashy" page will keep everyone interestd in coming back...hint, hint.
  • Greg Le Noue

    Gee, now that you mention it..IT DOES have that surreal feeling you get after losing out to a counteroffer. Damn you counteroffer (shaking fist)!!!

    Think I shoud change it... I'm still in the design/build stage so Im not in love with anything, just yet.
  • Ben Gotkin

    Badges? We don't need no stinkin' Badges!

    Just kidding :-) Very cool actually, just updated badges for and my LinkedIn profile on my blog. Very easy to do. Thanks!
  • Suzy Tonini

    Well, THANK YOU!!! How do you know???
  • Suzy Tonini

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention!
  • Donato Diorio

    From the creator himself...thank you, and thank you for putting together this community.
  • John Lawson

    Thanks from Down Under
  • Recruiting Animal

    Hey did someone send to Starbucks yesterday to sabotage my show?
  • Matt Trott

    Hi Slouch, I am joint founder and director with Roy Ripper of The Recruitment Academy. Did you like the site and the clips? We spent 18 months and alot of ££ developing the worlds leading DVD training product for recruiters. We have recently launched and the feedback has been fantastic. I am researching sales channels worldwide. Is it worth us having a chat? Love your site
  • Suzy Tonini

    Jason you've been tagged twice- my apologies!
  • Recruiting Animal

    Thank you Slouch
  • Ben Gotkin

    Thanks for the thanks. ERE and Slouch makes alot of sense to me. In regards to the network I created, got alot of initial interest, but it kind of fizzled from there. I'm going to try to rev it up again after Labor Day. Summers in DC tend to be very quiet at the office and it can be hard to get people to focus, especially on something new.
  • Leslie O Connor

    You have been tagged
  • Leslie O Connor

    Yes - but they are such great dogs and especially with kids. My Saint is an incredible dog - best I've ever had. Although she doesn't realize her size :)
  • Harry Joiner

    Hey Slouch -- Just a quick correction. It was not 45K email addresses. It was 4600. Still a lot, but I was under the impression that Facebook = Rolodex. See my posts.

    h a i r
  • Safari Solutions

    My name is Kellie, and I am the intern working with Safari Solutions this summer. We thought would be a good idea as something for us to join. We will be able to keep up to date on recruiting and learn how others view recrutiting. We always thought it was a good place to start blogging so others were able to see us and read about our unique business.
  • Susan Burns

    Hey Jason! Yes, my friend, its me. We definitely need to catch up and I'll give you a buzz later today/tomorrow. Lots of newness and transition in my life. Any plans to travel to the States this year?
  • Recruiting Animal

    JD, Ning has cut me off from adding any new members as friends. What gives?
  • George Easton

    So you're in TO too eh? Awesome. Do you work for yourself or in another firm?
  • George Easton

    Well I'm in the Beach near Kingston Rd. I'm all for getting together. Are you more the sourcer type or the client holding type? LOL if one can even say that.
  • Bill Vick

    Yes I saw the post and talked to Robert at Jobmatch. I quoted one of his postings in one of my blogs (XtremeLinkedIn), with attribution, but failed to call him and ask for his blessing. I've deleted the post. He has some excellent content however and I will use it in the future, with his acknowledgment beforehand.
  • Ben Gotkin

    I will certainly be at ERE, very excited about it being in my hometown. Let me know when you will be getting in town.

    I'll also be at SourceCon. Will you? There's a charity poker tourney on the agenda :-)
  • Ben Gotkin

    Sounds like the same holiday issue I have, but Sourcecon is time-critical for me, I had to sacrifice the holiday for this year. Poker in DC at ERE for sure though!
  • Sachin Shah

    A day off would be nice, but at the very least I was expecting balloons and streamers to drop from the ceiling, but no such luck. Ah, well.
  • Ben Gotkin

    Any idea how I can get a Fall 08 ERE Expo badge for my blog?
  • Ben Gotkin

    Excellent. Thanks for the help.
  • Suzy Tonini

    Well thanks Jason! All bark and no bite eh?
  • Stephanie A. Lloyd

    Thanks for the invitation!

  • Bob Wilson

    Thanks for the call yesterday. Really enjoyed catching up.

    All the best,
    Bob :-)
  • Jimmy Riddle

    I saw your reference to Semiconductor and would be grateful if you could put me in touch with a recruiter who is involved with the same. I'm based in Singapore and I'm currently looking for a Regional Dales Director/ Manager position. Specifically Wafer/Package Inspection/Metrology Tools/Capital Equipment. Thanks
  • Chad Sowash

    Scheduling travel tomorrow morning... I'll send chocolate next....
  • James Guske

    Enjoyed your appearance on the Recruiting Animal. Great comments about the less time commitment using and ning's trouble with blog trackbacks. I see that you are the owner of Hope your new project involves a great deal of RSS feeds in interesting ways which seem to be the great strength of many blogs and Facebook.
  • will


    would you give me some pointers on how to get past "gatekeepers" that won't let you past because you do not have a name.

  • Tommy Ryan

    Hi Slouch,

    Thanks! It's actually a picture of my oldest son I tweaked in Photoshop. My network definitely has a long way to go and I appreciate any input you have to offer.
  • Finny Varghese

    Hi Slouch,

    Yes, I am, are you?
  • Finny Varghese

    Any insight or direction you could offer me on how to grow my network and utilize this tool to meet and grow professionally would be greatly appreciated. =)
  • Slouch

    Ok. I would first start clicking around to see who is on and what it is they do. I am sure you will find some people here with a similar working background as you. I would leave them some comments and make some connections. You can also start a group around a topic you are interested in and then start promoting that and get some good conversation going.
  • Leslie O Connor

    Hi Jason - I think it was a great event. The feedback has been very positive - the survey sheets look great !! It was a really energetic crowd, Jim Stroud did an outstanding job as Emcee, the speakers and the content really got the brain turning.
  • Finny Varghese

    Took your advice and subscribed to the newsletter. While I was on the site I browsed around and found a book 'Electronic Recruiting 101'. Have you read it or know anyone that has? Think it's useful or is the newsletter enough?
  • SourceCon Dude

    JD - Not sure if you heard, but there was a Royal Flush (Spades) played at the final table by Julian Sanchez. The odds are aparently 640,000 : 1
  • WorkFarce

    OK sorry I didn't get back with you sooner...
    All is well with the obligations have kept me away...I'm back jack..

    Call me 317.652.0294

  • Martin Burns

    Hey Jason - yup, I'll be at ERE in DC, can't wait to catch up with the gang. You and I actually met for 5 minutes last time you were here in the offices, but would love to grab a beer (or two, three, whatever) with you at the conference.
  • Jenna Loh

    Hi Slouch

    I am a new member with your blog. Just want to say Great Job! friend. This is a very good initiative and i believed many has benefited and also prosperous from here. I am very new to Blogging and hope gurus in recruitingblogs will teach me one or two tricks...
    Thank you again for your initiative, now I have a blogs that related to what I do in Malaysia and I could learn so much more from friends here.
  • Chris Russell

    who won the poker tourney?