sandeep goud

40, Male



Comment Wall:

  • Heather Ali

    Namaste. Thanks for the add request, Sandeep!
  • salma begum

    Thanks sandeep for adding me.Can you give me your yahoo id.I am planning to join V-Soft Consulting Inc.SO I want to have a chat wid u.
  • sandeep goud

    Hi Salma,
    give me ur email id,
    i will send my no: to it
  • Heather Ali

    Namaste, Sandeep. I am not Indian, but my husband is from India. I am in the process of trying to learn Hindi. What a big project! :) It is a pleasure to meet you and I would love to learn more about what you do and your ties to the recruiting industry.

    Take care!
  • Heather Ali

    My husband's name is Irfan Ali Dhamani. He was born in Bombay but grew up in Bangalore-Kanartaka. He went to Lowry Memorial High School. And you? Where are you from?
  • Heather Ali

    We had a nice dinner to celebrate Eid last weekend. How about you?