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  • Chris Russell

    Again? When r u going on the world tour? congrats.
  • Shea Putnam

    Thanks for the information. I just left a comment for Ami regarding the Dallas Roadshow.
  • Amitai Givertz
  • Chris Russell

    An Animal sighting! too funny...good undercover work JD.
  • Chad Sowash

    Great seeing you at ERE man... I vow not to give you all of my chips next time, that's twice in a row.. Congrats and good luck in your next WSOP...
  • Chris Russell

    Sweet, thanks for the exposure.
  • Gerry Crispin

    Ok, I've joined this Band of Bloggers and am looking forward to the adventure.
  • Mike Temkin

    Thanks for the invite. Very impressed with your video interviews with Neal and with Gerry. Haven't had time yet to look at the others. Hope I can contribute to what you're putting together.
  • Jenny Meade

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • Jeff P.

    Thanks for the welcome note Slouch. I am primarily a technology and engineering recruiter for contract positions on a national basis. Which brings me to a question for you and the group. What do you think the differences, advantages, disadvantages bewteen recruiting on a NATIONAL basis as opposed to a LOCAL basis ?
  • Michael Hennessy

    Thanks for the welcome Slouch. I'd love to provide you more info about SmashFly, our technology and platform.

    Great job using Ning for this site...Technology at work!
    Shoot me an email at if you'd like to setup a call /demo regarding our system.

  • Slouch

    My kids wrote a song and recorded it this week if you want to have a listen you can click it on the music player on the left side of this page. The song is called The News. My 8 year played the drums and sang. My 10 year old wrote the song and plays guitar on it. I helped with some of the instruments.
  • Julian Stopps

    Hi Slouch,

    Many thanks for the front page exposure - I hope everyone enjoys the show!
  • Kris Rzepkowski

    Thanks for checking out my stuff. I'm enjoying learning from all the great peeps on this site. To anyone who still asks whether to blog on their own, or blog on this site. Tell them to do both. It's more fun.
  • Rod Garcia

    Yes I do work with Martone. He is one of our Yahoo! Superstars.
  • Slouch

  • Deb

    Will do,Thanks!
  • Ben Gotkin

    LOL. Not 'The End' my friend, a new beginning. My sabbatical from blogging will open up opportunities to post elsewhere the recruiting social-networksphere. Might even spend some more time over here while I'm at it. Thanks for the video though, one of my favorite all-time songs.
  • Steven Rothberg

    Sure would be nice to see the Blog in your right rail. :-)
  • Paul DeBettignies

    We had a GREAT event. I was much more relaxed. I cannot say enough good things about Don Ramer and his team at Arbita both in sponsoring the event and his presentation.

    127 attended. We could have had an event for 150 but the space we had at Best Buy is either 130 or 215. Maybe not for January but for sure April we will make the jump to larger space.

    I have a blog post coming with more information.

    Many thanks to you for sending The Fordyce Letters.
  • Rebecca Eldridge

    The Dallas Road Show was great! Lots of good info :)
  • Danna

    Any introductions would be WELCOME!! I'm heading up the business development end of STP-Partners and looking for some venues to promote our services! Since my organization specializes in diversity, it would be beneficial to team up with

    thank you for your help!
  • Martin Burns

    Thanks for the update, Jason - very, very cool.

  • Chad Sowash

    My Mom must've nominated me or something ;o)
  • Recruiting Animal

  • Bryan Baldwin

    Thanks for the welcome! My interest is primarily in assessment and the public sector, but I'm all over recruiting as well! Great site, keep up the good work.

    my blog is at HR Tests
  • Slouch

  • Hank Stringer

    thanks and well said
  • Gerry Crispin

    The very best to you and yours.
  • Amybeth Hale

    Thanks! Just saw your comment about the vid from the ATL airport. That was cool to meet Jimmy there. He's the best :)
  • Ray Towle


    Any suggestions for recruiting sources or for methods for remote areas within Canada; e.g., St. Johns, NL; Kelowna, BC; Leamington, ON; Regina, SK; Cochrane, AB; Vancouver, BC; etc.

    Any what Social Networking sites are most popular to Canadians;;;;,;, etc?

    InAdTHANKSvance! All the Best!

    Ray Towle;
    aka VirtualSourcer at:
  • Robert Merrill

    Thanks a lot, man. Way to go with the site!
  • Slouch

    A Conversation that just took place:

    Recruiting Animal
    : Where have you been?
    JayDee: None of Your Business
    RA: I thought we were friends?
    JD: We were but this year, it’s gonna be different, I have no time to putz around
    RA: (Silence)
    JD: (Silence)
    RA: (More Silence)
    JD: Are you still there
    RA: (Still Silent)
    JD: I was kidding, Of course we’re friends but this year, interesting things are going to happen and you are either with me Mr. Anti Charisma, or against me
    RA (Not saying a word)
    JD: Should we go down to Vegas and hang with Dave Mendoza?
    RA: Why would we do that?
    JD: He won the Overall Best Recruiting Blog of 2007
    RA: Really?
    JD: Of course, you knew he was going to win
    RA: Yah but…
    JD: I told you, I don’t have time to…
    JD: No it’s not, today is Monday, and your show is on Wednesday.
    RA: Well, it’s Wednesday in China
    JD: That’s impossible
    RA: Did Six Degrees From Dave really win?
    JD: Yes.
    RA: I’m not surprised
    JD: Me neither, It’s a good blog
    RA: (Silence)
    JD: Animal?
    RA: I know I nominated him. What about the other category winners? What about the votes?
    JD: At lunch.
  • Kelly Trebbe

    I would love assistance on navigation through the system. Please advise when that is possible.
  • Chad Sowash

  • Rich Suydam

    will can I get some information on China recruiting? Rich
  • Ben Gotkin

    Just watched your Roadshow interview with Shally. Very nice!
  • Ben Gotkin

    Yes, very nice. Chenquieh :-)
  • Amanda Papp

    Yes- you are right! We met through Dennis---not in person though.
  • Steve Glaiser

    Where can I get the requirements for being considered for "Recruiting Blog Awards 2008"? I suspect in a forum somewhere ... ???

    Tanx, Man.

  • Steve Glaiser

    End of the year is when you begin to work on the awards, great, tanx!

    My feed/rss:

    Thanks for asking me about my feed! :)

    Demo? Soon -- I'm responsible for the GUI, my biz-partner is responsible for backend, as well as taking my algorithms and creating the biz-logic. He's swamped -- dang if he didn't score working for a company that went public and now he's rakin' in the paper-cash! :)

    Our target is to have a pretty decent alpha version by end of Feb. I'm building an advisory council - if interested, lemme know. I have a blog post up to collect names, but, I know where to find you if you're interested. :)

    Take care,

  • Leslie O Connor

    Same to you Jason - are you heading to San Diego at the end of March. We'll see you there. Save me 30 min in your busy schedule to catch up.

  • Ben Gotkin

    I still owe you an answer, hope to let you know by next Tuesday.
  • Leslie O Connor

    Yes sir - I'm in!
  • Michael Policano

    Hi Jason,
    thanks for the intro to Paul..
  • Steve

    Hey there! Thanks for the comment. I am actually in Utah...Vegas is where I was born, so I fixed that on my main page, but thank you for sending me any info that would be helpful!
  • Michael Johnson

    Hey! Good to hear from you. I'll be in San Diego again this year launching our new Recruiting CRM software. Are you going to be there?
  • Patrick Marks

    Yeah, I got my team here hooked on this site.
  • Kim Koslovic

    Hi Slouch-

    Thank-you a work in progress I might add. I am very new to the blog network so I am infant so to speak. Any suggestions would be very welcome and accepted!
  • Jackie Bellanco

    Slouch, I received a message in my email that you sent a message to me, but I don't see anything.....