Dennis Smith



United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Healthcare, Technology, Other
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Dennis Smith

    Anybody besides Slouch headed to Kennedy?
  • Dave Mendoza

    im here
  • Slouch

    Hey Dennis, I hope you made it back from Vegas, were you happy with the panle you did about blogging? Is there anything else you think could or should have been discussed. Thanks
  • Dennis Smith

    Jason - great questions. This being the 3rd panel in which I've been a participant, I've got a couple of opinions. There will always be great input when you've got people like Shally, Mendoza, Gretchen, and Levy on the stage. The problem? One hour just isn't enough to cover all pertinent topics.

    I think it would be great to have a less formal session - even if held in the lounge area where we had my laptop set up. People could sit in a less formal environment and we could have 3-4 bloggers with their laptops going, and we could talk about everything from how to start a blog (for those true beginners) to RSS Feeds - Linking - Blog format - ROI - Risk - etc...

    I actually think attendees would benefit from the smaller group, and we'd have the opportunity to provide "hands-on" instruction.

    Think we could pull this off for the Nov Kennedy session in Orlando?
  • Slouch

    Hey Dennis, I think we can pull it off sooner in Toronto. I have some ideas as well.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Hey Teddy Bear, think of something you'd like to discuss on the Recruiting Animal Show. It doesn't have to be soon. Whenever you're ready. But it can't be noodling. Be there done that.
  • Job Blogger

    Hey Dennis!!
    Thanks for adding me.
    Check out our blog
  • Kristi Young

    Dennis I'm not stalking you I swear! Just found this site yesterday, and had to drop in.
  • mattmartone

    Your the funnies guy I (almost) know.

    I was doing to research and ran the search, 'ERExpo 2007' on yahoo and google.

    your youtube video 'elvis @ ere' is the first listing on google. so funny.
  • Joe Grimm


    I lied about my age.
  • Chris Russell

    Dennis, whats up? Like my new video? Would love to do some more podcasts with you for tmobile

  • Slouch

    Hey Dennis. There is a reporter who would like to talk to you based on a conversation I had with her. let me know if you are interested. Has to do with recruiting and having a blog to help. Thanks
  • Katie Tierney

    Thanks, Dennis. It's been interesting! :)
  • Heather Ali

    Great page. Love it. Good stuff! Thanks for the add!
  • Slouch

    Hey Dennis, Your page looks real cool.
  • Patty

    Thanks for the add, Dennis .... looking forward to bigger better biscuits
  • judy kaufmann

    Hi Dennis,
    Happy New Year's to you and be safe.
    Thanks for the contact!
    Human Factor
    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Diane Hill

    thanks for the connection very nice site like the worldlink.
  • Diane Hill

    murdock- should I admit it or not- hummm.... yes I he's the man , love him to death and the whole reason I am here! I see him all the time and will tell him we hooked up.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Congratulations on your victory. The Animal Panel picked you as well and we had no role in fixing the vote.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Dennis it's time to dye your hair. I'm going to be talking about that soon on The Recruiting Animal Show and I'm going to make that public.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Dennis, if you want to stick with the humdrum victory icon that's alright with me. But if you want me to make you one using the Teddy Bear, let me know. Also, I forgot to talk about your hair during the show and you didn't remind me.
  • Brad Remington

    Dennis, this site is for all industries, I think the intial cost will be about $750 to join. Any help or connections you have would be much appreciated.
  • Kim Koslovic

    Hi Dennis! Thank-you very much. Maybe you can help! I was just informed this morning that I am going to be laid off in a couple weeks or maybe right away, dont know yet. This is due to my current company losing a big client due to the compnay laying off 4000 employees Nationwide. I am virtual recruiting with experience in IT/ Administrative/Industrial and Healthcare.. among others. I am the newest member to the team, of course I am the first to go. Would you have any suggestions for me how I can Network with other members and connect with them about potential job opportunities? I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Kim
  • Stephanie Grimshaw


    Thank you very much. I am new to the world of Blogging so any tips or trick is greatly welcomed. Any insights on finding technology user groups??? Specifically to target Java Developers?

  • Scott Sheldon

    Thanks for the warm wlecome Dennis, glad to be a part of the Recruiting Blog community. I see a good deal of value in being part of this. Hopefully, I'll be able to contribute as much as I learn for everyone here as well
  • Bill Allred

    Thanks for the welcome Dennis!

  • Kim Koslovic

    Thank-you Dennis! Yes I have connected with Le4slie and we are set to be speaking tomorrow afternoon. Thank-you for your support!
  • Amberly Rogers

    Thanks Dennis! Your name is one I am very familiar with. You are a legend even if you do not know it. ;)
  • Lealah

    Dennis, Thanks for your welcome.
  • Cody Hedgpeth

    Thanks, Dennis - you can never have enough Texans in any group...haha

    Best, Cody
  • Jennifer Bockenstedt

    Hi Dennis,

    Thank you for the welcome - I am happy to be a part of this community.

  • Bernadette

    Thanks, Dennis!
  • Slouch

    Thanks Dennis for taking the time today. I appreciate it
  • Brad Hogenmiller

    Thanks Dennis. Always nice to have a welcome wagon!
  • Rucha

    Thanks, Dennis !
  • Lynne Knight

    Thanks for the invite.

    Have a good day!