Dave Mendoza


Castle Rock

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    let me know if you got an email letting you know this chatter was left. Thanks
  • Kent Harder

    Thanks for "being my friend". This is somewhat new to me so I am looking forward to an exciting journey in blogspace.
  • Lori W

    Hi Dave, Thank you for the invite
  • Nagaraju Akkiraju

    Hello Dave, thanks you for the invitation in your network
  • Jacob Share

    Hey Dave, thanks for the friending.

    Come on over soon to http://jobmob.co.il/

  • Dave Mendoza

    Dave Mendoza go to http://tinyurl.com/2f3pr4 (insert my email, ldavemendoza@gmail.com)

    Look forward to networking with you!
  • Achyut Menon

    Hi Dave,Long time.Nice to know you have started a group -do let me know if you need any inputs from India!!
  • Paul Jacobs

    Hi Dave - pleased to be OneDegreeFromDave. Happy to share any insights down the track from Lord of the Rings country, New Zealand.
  • Seema Gupta

    Hi Dave, thanks for the invite.
    Looking forward to networking with you!
  • dan jackson

    Hello Dave.
  • Greg Le Noue

    So, exactly why haven't we networked here yet?
  • Bill Craib

    Thanks for connecting, great stuff on this International Staffing perspective series of posts
  • sweat1951

    Thanks for inviting me.
  • Mick Wist

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for reaching out.
  • Pete Altieri

    Hey dave:

    Great to meet you; and look forward to chatting soon.


  • John Lawson

    Hi Dave

    Thanks for the invite. The northern hemisphere is well ahead of New Zealand in advanced search methodologies. Looking forward to learning and sharing what i can.
  • Michael Glenn

    You have been tagged.

    1. Post these rules before you give you the facts.
    2. List 8 random facts about yourself.
    3. At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names (linking to them)
    4. Leave them a comment on their blog letting them know they’ve been tagged
  • Chad Sowash

    Great to see you at ERE man...
  • Rob Gurnee

    Thanks, Dave, for staying tuned in and helping me do the same.
  • Slouch

    Hey Dave, Congrats , you won the RecruitingBlogs.com Best Recruiting Blog of 2007. I just announced it.
  • Paul DeBettignies

    Dave, staying up late has it's perks. Maybe I know before you do?

  • WorkFarce

    CONGRATS on the Win!!!!

  • Melissa Metz, CPC

    Love your blog. Thanks for the invite!
  • Steven Roberts

    Thanks for the invitation Dave. I've really enjoyed getting to know a couple of members in my short time on the sight. My wife is a technical recruiter for AOL and I've asked her to check the sight out as well.

    All the Best,
  • Jozef Kohut

    Great blog, many thanks for invite !
  • Kelley Pearson Nicastro

    Thanks Dave! I am enjoying exploring your blog - great info!
  • Jim Canto

    Hello Dave. I'm interested in networking with you. My focus is the Health Care and Medical arena. Look forward to connecting.
  • Mark E. Berger

    Hello Dave: Thanks for the invitation. I am happy to be a part of your network. Mark
  • Charles Rein

    Hi Dave

    Thanks Always interested in learning new Search-recruiting techinques keep up the good work.

  • Elizabeth Kanter

    Thanks for all the great links and info Dave!
  • Dianna Slade

    Hi! Thanks for adding me as a connection!

    Dianna (^_^)
  • Jennifer Greger

    ha! I see that I need to work on fixing it... trying to wrap up some phone interviews this morning. Hopefully I'll be able to play around with the site tomorrow while I'm sitting at the airport and send out some invites! Thanks for the invite!
  • Emily Hood

    Thanks, Dave. I joined because of your email. This is interesting. A sort of Myspace for Recruiters. Not sure how to make it work for me just yet, but I'm checking in out. Oh, and enjoy your birthday...lucky you, it's on a FRIDAY! :)
  • Shy Pahlevani

    Just discovered this blog. I think its really cool and I look forward to keeping up with all the information in this space.
  • Tiffany Crisp Peery

    Thanks! Man, it's insane the number of emails I've gotten in the last few hours since you posted my bio! I was always curious how many people actually saw/read those. Now, I'm getting a small sense. ;)
  • Lana Johnson

  • Lora Lea Mock


    I'm already having fun with my new toy. Thanks for inviting me.

    Lora Lea
  • Carlos Lagemann

    thanks Dave! Have a nice day!!!
  • Janet

    My pleasure.....great to be here!
  • Noel Hoekstra

    Thanks, Dave! I look forward to expanding my network.
  • Deb

    Thanks so much! I look forward to networking!
  • Karey Brown

    Thank you very much. This is my first blogging experience so I'm just learning the ropes. :)
    I'll try and get a picture and more details added soon.
    Great to be here!
    Karey Brown
  • Amber

    Thanks Dave! Hoping I'll find more time to really check this out soon.
  • jortner

    Hi Dave, Thanks for the invite and delighted to network further with other members.

    Talk soon.
  • David Carman

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I need to find a picture and shoot a video of myself. What part of the country are you located?
  • Stas

    Thank you Dave! Hope that this blog will exceed my expectations! Best! Stas
  • Ann Luna

    Thanks for the invitation. Now I have a new virtual community. Long live the Blog!
  • Priya Ramani

    Thanks Dave.I must say a very impressive profile.This is my first blogging experience too.It's great to added.

  • Bonnie de Mets

    Hi Dave. Thank you for inviting me to join your network. I am looking forward to being a part of the network!