Joshua Letourneau

Atlanta, GA

United States

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  • Slouch

    Hey Joshua, Thanks for joining. How did you hear about let me know if you need any introductions. Thanks
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Hi, Slouch - it's nice to hear from you. I have actually read for a while, but never had the true time to dedicate to participating. Hopefully I can add some value and maybe inject some new ideas into such a rapidly evolving industry. Thank you for reaching out and please don't hesitate to shoot me an email or give me a ring if I can ever do anything for you.

    Warmest Regards,
  • Joshua Letourneau

    P.S. Sorry, I should have more 'directly' answered your question - I was actually reading a recruiting article about a year ago when I clicked on the author's 'blog' link was redirected to From there, I've been coming back and reading insights and ideas when I get the time. Prior to that, however, I had heard of in a very positive light, so I had already come in contact with your brand through positive WOM. I hope this helps!
  • Mark E. Berger

    Hey Josh: Thanks for the invitation. Of course I am happy to accept. Let's catch up soon. Mark
  • Recruiting Animal

    I won't forget that!
  • Jim Canto

    Josh.. what specialty do you recruit? Or, are you a writer within the industry. Look forward to learning more.
  • Rob McIntosh

    thanks for the books !