Jason Lane

Comment Wall:

  • Dave Mendoza

    Welcome from SixDegreesfromDave.com!

    Thanks so much for joining the community. Feel free to add me as a 'friend' within RecruitingBlogs.com

    Jason Davis has put together an amazing site and we are looking forward to developing some great networking parties in the months ahead

    You can create your own blog within the "My Page" tab button of your profile here and add music and video. It's really cool. I am happy to assist you

    I looked at your profile and recommend adding your picture. It tends to enhance the networking experience.

    If you need assistance, let me know how I can be of help.

    Look forward to seeing you here more often and best wishes

    Dave Mendoza
    Visit & Subscribe to My Blog: SixDegreesfromDave.com!
  • Barb Yeakey

    Hi Jason - Thanks for the invite. A few years back when I was in the corporate HR world as an employment manager I attended a Performance Staffing seminar -- I believe it was put on my your organization. Are you still putting on those seminars/training?
  • Amitai Givertz

    Hey, Jason - fancy meeting you here!
  • Cheryl Antier

    Hi Jason, thanks for the invite! You're welcome to link to me on linked-in too!
  • Kelli Christina

    Hello Jason, thank you for the invite and I hope to get to know you better through this networking experience. Good luck with all that you do out there!