Kristi Young

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Vick

    Hi Kristi - I'll look forward to seeing how we can help each other.

  • Wayne J.

    Hi Kristi..
    Rollercoaster huh? I'm all ears for tips in recruiting...
  • CraigCampbell (

    It is, in many ways it's like a huge start up with a blank white board. Im hoping to roll out a few game pun intended
  • Recruiting Animal

    Are you one of those people who wears a toque in the summer? Mike Nesmith started that forty years ago. Everyone else copied him and it must be pretty hot but at least he got paid to do it.
  • Gautam Ghosh

    thanks for the comment Kristi.. Glad to have met you :-)
  • Suzy Tonini

    Hi Kristi- sorry to hear about the challenges in adding me..the guy in the pic is a Seattle Pike Place Market fishmonger- and he follows me everywhere I go! Gotta love the Pike Place Market and its fresh produce and seafood...:-)
  • Ken Rochon


    I am just joining this site. Nice to be on a site with so many dynamic people.

    I was curious if you are also on linked in? Here is my profile for you to check out -

    I would gladly accept an invitation from you.

    Live with passion!
