Christie Bower

, Female

Santa Cruz, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Consumer Goods, Industrial, Technology
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Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey Christie, thanks for coming by. If you need help with customizing your page or integrating feeds and stuff, please let me know. Thanks
  • Recruiting Animal

    You should change your name to Chris Dean-Bower.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Were your parents having a good sense of humour when they named you Chris Dean?
  • Recruiting Animal

    Well, sorry to hear that. I had a candidate once who named his sons Dean and Martin. When I asked him if it was a joke he didn't know what I was talking about.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Jimmy Bower?
  • Nancy Holland

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Recruiting Animal

    Hey I'm recruiting in the meat industry now and I'm a vegetarian. I'm looking for a maintenance manager who wants to become a modular belting salesman. Anybody at Jimmy Dean's want to make a move?
  • Slouch

    congrats on the mention. It''s nice when that happens
  • Shruti Sonali

    Thanks Christie.... :-)
  • Lealah

    Christie, Thank you for your note.

  • Ken Rochon


    Good morning!

    Are you on linked in?

  • Giles

    I am new member! I would like for us to be friends. I am a hunter within the mobile/digital arenas in London!

    If there is anything I can help with, just let me know!

  • Michelle Brewster

    Thanks, I am requesting you to join my LinkedIn profile since you are local...look for it!
  • Steven J Pruner

    Thanks.. and happy V-day to U2.
  • Brendan Andersen

    Thanks for the welcome Christie!
    I look forward to learning, sharing and networking.
  • Rick Corey

    Hi Christie... Happy Valentine's Day to you!
  • Bill Allred

    Thanks for the welcome Christie. Best Wishes,

  • Derek

    Bay Area Recruiters Rock!!! Good to see the strong presence here in the Bay Area...