Joshua Kahn

, Male

Lakeville, MN

United States

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  • Chris Russell

    Hi Josh, wanted to introduce "Jobs in Pods" to you. You can watch a short video intro. I thought it might make a good recruiting tool for Best Buy. Their ROWE program makes them an employer of choice so what better way to advertise their brand using podcasts. I can be reached at 800-399-6651 x101

  • Suzy Tonini

    Hey Joshua!

    Care to chat?
  • Suzy Tonini

    Hey Joshua,

    Yes, I did win the challenge yesterday after 3.5 nerve-wracking days. I will blog about the methodology here on's still a 3rd challenge BTW...;-)
  • Suzy Tonini

    I think I cracked part one of this one....:-)
  • Suzy Tonini

    I really am not sure who this "German" alien person is..but i kind of recognize a writing style
  • Suzy Tonini

    Oh and sorry-nope don't know about anyone talking about Lead Generation at 1-1:30......
  • Yusuf Pathan

    I also think I have cracked the first part of this one...
  • Rithesh Nair

    stop reading things from guru
  • Alien

    Bravo Suzy,

    I know you are gonna do it first.

    Rest of the people as Rithesh said stop geting behind GURU and try other sitessss..


    German Alien...... :)
  • Suzy Tonini

    Uhm- I have already been to the other Sitesssssss....I know what I know, but I think I am going to leave it to others now. I'd like to see some fresh faces win these challenges.

    Good luck!!!
  • Suzy Tonini

    And Josh- I apologize, don't why this discussion is on your page but we could make it the central repository...=]
  • Joshua Kahn

    fine with me
    I'm making some progress it would seem and found an interesting channel
  • Charles Bretz


    I'm guessing that you were 1 of the lucky 5.

  • Julia Stone

    Greetings, fellow moose wranglers and congrats. I would say may the best wrangler win, but that would leave me out.

    There is always luck!
  • Joshua Kahn

    cmon now, i can't do everything for you....:) i have my own new set of clues to work on...
  • Shoheb Shaikh

    So JoKhan - Got the guy?

  • Joshua Kahn

    yep, got the guy and was notified that I won, but barely, Julia was a very close second it sounds like.
  • Shoheb Shaikh

    Hi JoKahn

    Great congrats for the great win!!!

  • Rushit Shah

    Congrats Mate

    Keep up the great the work.

  • Joshua Kahn

    thanks guys, it was fun playing.