Jim Canto

58, Male

Shawnee, KS

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Healthcare, Technology, Other
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Comment Wall:

  • Lisa

    Hi medXcentral,

    Thanks for adding me as a friend!
  • Lisa

    I would love to offer our services to your community. We mostly have general recruiting, employment and candidate articles. Nothing usually directed to only medical field.
  • Kat Belloli

    I work as a Director, Talent Acquisition for Fox
  • Kim Koslovic

    Hi Jim,

    Thank-you for viewing my profile, it is still under Construction. :). I spent 6 years full cycle recruiting in the medical industry but recently have started doing IT/Technical and Administrative, we have a few healthcare clients and are hoping to grow that portion of the business in 2008.
  • Volora Howell

    Would love to discuss oppty's with you.
    Contact me at volora@gmail.com
  • Kim Koslovic

    Maybe you can help! I was just informed this morning that I am going to be laid off due to my current company losing a big client. This client has laid off over 4000 employees Nationwide and since I am the newest member to the team, of course I am the first to go. Would you have any suggestions for me how I can Network with other members and connect with them about potential job opportunities? I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
  • Heather Ali

    Absolutely! My focus is also the medical industry. You can get with me offline at hali at orioninternational.com
  • Dawn Christine Khan

    Jim, Great hearing from you. Got your voicemail.. now let me give you the inside scoop. I just got out of the hospital Friday and I am going to be a few weeks in recovery. Don't hesitate to communicate by email, but while I traverse the path back to superwoman, I may be a little sluggish. ;D

    Best wishes for yours, and OUR success!

  • Justin Sivey

    Thank you for your comment. I do work for a company. I'm sorry, I'll have to add that to my profile. I work for the Teldar Group. We focus on positions in supply chain, procurement, logistics, strategic sourcing. Sorry for the confusion.
  • Heather Gardner

    Thanks for the note Jim! I recruit for positions in staffing, sales, marketing... pretty much anything but tech and medical. I do have a lot of requests for medical (nursing, clinical research doctors, cardio, etc.) I'll recommend you....
  • Derek

    Hey Jim,

    How goes it.... I see that you are focused mainly around the medical industry. Currently I work for high level IT positions, but I have worked with Medical Devise Manufacture Companies. Feel free to send me an invite.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Thanks. You're so sweet. But, listen, don't tell me what I have. Okay.
  • Vicki Z. Lauter

    Thanks for the invite Jim; happy to be connected. I look forward to networking.
  • Steven J Pruner

    Check out my CbizOne group on www.ere.net I have posted a HOWTO on customizing the resume parser to get more fields included there.
  • Sarah Fournier-Gonzalez

    I work for Deb Bailey Recruiting www.baileyrecruiting.com
  • Deb Bailey


    hello nice to meet you thanks for the comment, I work in the healthcare industry by making placements for nurses,physicians,dentists and therapist nationwide. woud love to do splits with you or anyone else in the same field.

    Deb Bailey
    President of Deb Bailey Recruiting Inc
  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi Jim, I'm new to the recruiting community and I'm looking forward to networking with great people.

    Have a nice evening!

  • Keith Ferretti

    Hi Jim

    Feel free to call me or email me ... 412-902-0448 keith@hireforyou.com
  • Epstein LaRue

    Thanks for the invite to be your friend!!! I'm glad that you've heard of me :) I see you're from Shawnee... I'm originally from the Guymon/Goodwell area!!
  • SP

    Hi, Jim,

    Interesting concept. Thanks for the friend invite.
