Anita Peters

Comment Wall:

  • Ron McManmon

    Hello Anita, I am working with a friends father-in-law to help find a suitable position in your industry. Mike was the VP of Opps., Asset Manaagement and has an extremely notable career working with Midwest Energy. He wants to relo to the PacificNorthWest. Are you looking for or no someone who is in need of a C-Level executive. Thanks
  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    How can we collaborate?

    We have an unlimited opportunity to place professionals of all types in ex-patriot assignments in Saudi Arabia. As you may know, there are about 6 million ex-patriots running the country at the operational level, and they “need everything.” They have Midas’s problem, which is they must invest about US$1 billion every week between now and 2020. This represents a monumental opportunity for people “in the know” to put aside a “nest egg” and gain experience at a higher level than one can achieve with similar qualifications and experience in the USA, Europe or Japan.

    Best regards, Skip Conover
    View Donald L. (
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  • Ron McManmon

    Hi Anita... Thanks for getting back to me. Mike is in Hawaii working on his CV and I will send it to you in about a week or so. I have read 1000000's of CV's, like you and I am sure you will be impressed. Thanks for your help and If I can help you with anything... please let me know.

    PS... In my last message I ment "know vs. no"... I wished they put spell check in these sites but I would still look like I didn't graduate from 1st grade:) - Cheers Ron