judy kaufmann

Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey Judy, I remember the first search I ever did back in 1993 was a human factors engineer for compaq in Huston. It was the first and last search I ever did. I filled it though.
  • judy kaufmann

    Thankfully...things are cooking in a good way for this Human Factor employee.
    Currently doing an analysis of the available tools and data depots out there ( can't completely remove my consulting/analyst hat yet) to understand the value and ROI on them. Probably has been done before and most likely recently too. Info welcomed.
  • judy kaufmann

    great...that will be a memory maker for them...safe travels!
    Happy Holidays to you, too,
  • Lisa

    Learn How Your Blog Spot Can Receive Free Advertising through www.RecruitingBlogswap.com

    Do you want to attract more visitors to your career site but don’t have the budget for a big advertising or public relations campaign? No problem.

    One of the most efficient and effective ways to attract highly targeted visitors to any web site is by increasing the number of visitors who find you in the organic (free) results of search engines such as Google and Yahoo. But how do you increase the number of those visitors? Make your web site come up higher in the results so more of your targeted visitors will see your site and click through. Two of the best ways of making your site come up higher in the search results are to add more content to your site and to increase the number of links to your site.

    The Recruiting Blogswap at can help your career site come up higher in the search engine results because you can use it to increase the amount of content on your site and the number of links to your site. The Recruiting Blogswap is a FREE service of job board CollegeRecruiter.com but used by a wide variety of career sites. Some of the career sites want to attract candidates with years of experience, with certain skills, or from certain geographic areas. Other career sites which participate want to attract human resource professionals, hiring managers, or others on the employer side of the desk. But all of them use the Recruiting Blogswap to increase the number of targeted visitors to their site and they don’t pay a dime to do so.

    If you have career-related articles, then sign up with the Recruiting Blogswap as an author. Your articles will automatically include a byline that will tell the readers about your organization and will link to your web site. Those articles will run on recruiting blogs which have signed up to publish articles written by you and other authors. When your articles run on those other sites, they will link to your site and that link will be in close proximity to the description of your organization in your byline. Google and the other search engines will infer from the proximity of the link to those keywords that your site is a good source for those who are searching for that information so your site will be moved up in the search engine results when people search on those keywords.

    If you want to add more content to your site, then sign up with the Recruiting Blogswap as a publisher. You’ll receive articles from authors and may publish them on your site. If you choose not to, then the articles that you’re sent will be re-assigned to the next publisher in line. You’re never under an obligation to publish an article so you don’t have to worry about being asked to run an article that will be of no interest to your visitors. And by adding more articles to your site, when Google, Yahoo, and the other search engines find those articles, they’ll include them in their search results and will direct your most desired visitors to your site when they search for that type of content. Also, when you add more pages to your site, the search engines rank all of your pages higher as sites with more pages tend to be more likely to have the information being searched for.

    Sound good? I thought so. What’s the catch? None. All of the participants get something of value. The authors get links back to their sites from the web sites of the publishers so the web sites of the authors appear higher in the search engine results. The publishers get more pages so their web sites appear higher in the search engines results. CollegeRecruiter.com gets a very short blurb in each article and archives a copy of each article on our site so our site appears higher in the search engine results.

    Want to sign up as an author, publisher, or both? Great. Go to http://www.RecruitingBlogswap.com and get started today.

    Please let me know if I may be of any additional assistance. I am here to help.

    Lisa Colbert | Client Services Representative
    Email: Lisa@CollegeRecruiter.com
  • Recruiting Animal

    Would you like me to leave you a long message like the one below?
  • Ron Kronen

    Hi Judy
    Thanks for the warm reception! Seasons greetings to you and yours

  • judy kaufmann

    Chris...that powerful mind of yours had sent this to me already via those beta waves that only higher level thinkers are receptive too..... just jokin' Chris. You are too sweet to lend an inspired hand to my inquiry,.
    I've have had the pleasure of ronly recently learning about Zoominfo (Matt Maloney) and indeed have signed on.
    But the other...that Black Book of Passive Candidates...the name alone is so entirely provocative that I need to absolutely check it out! In fact ... can I be listed on it somehow??
    Thanks Chris and God Bless you over this happiest of holiday seasons! I do think you are now my newest best friend!
    judy at Human Factor
  • Dennis Smith

    Thanks Judy! Glad you joined RecruitingBlogs.com....great place to learn from each other and share what's going on in the world of recruiting.

    Happy New Year!

  • judy kaufmann

    Hey Chris,
    Having just spent 10 days in Puerto Vallarta...I'm still in that max flex state of mind (maximum flexibility) so things are not too daunting at this particular point in time.
    Up and coming...distinguishing our brand, incorporating a social enterprise component into our company's idiology/methodology, nailing down strong local network connections.
    And you, Chris?
    Human Factor
  • Scott Sheldon

    Hello There Judy,
    Thanks for the connect, California has been very good to me. I managed to pull myself out of early retirement in Flroida recently and head back to work. I guess I too much fun and no work makes Scott a dull boy!
    Flexbility is a good thing!
  • Gina Block

    well COLD in PARIS ohlalax2
    great message
    nice to meet you
  • Ken Rochon


    I am just joining this site. Nice to be on a site with so many dynamic people.

    I was curious if you are also on linked in? Here is my profile for you to check out - http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=2536216

    I would gladly accept an invitation from you.

    Live with passion!

  • Ken Rochon


    Thanks for the compliments. Since you love music so much, I think you would really love this music site I set up.

    Check it out and tell what you think. I hope you join too - http://worldmusiclovers.ning.com/profile/KenRochon

    Talk to you later.

  • Soren Moberg

    Noticed among your friends here we have some common friends/ connections...
    A Happy Valentine Greeting from an old gentleman..
    You can reach me on:
    ... or simply by adding me as friend...
    All the best