Bill Vick


Plano, TX

United States

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All Industries, Technology, Other
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  • John Lawson

    Thanks for the invite Bill
  • Slouch

    bill I just put up a post I thought you may be interested in. I just saw that sold for 300k
  • santoshkrsingh

    hi bill
    thnx for invite me
    i think is is the best for me
  • Michael Castardi

    Thanks Mr. Vick for the invite. Hope you have a super Friday!
  • Slouch

    Bill, did you see that post on JobMatchbox blog?
  • Slouch

    ok. good. I also left him a message as well. if you go to his profile on you can see it
  • jane mo

    Hi, nice to see you
  • jane mo

    How long have you use the site? I am new here
  • Heather Ali

    Love your page too! Thanks for the welcome. :)
  • Jenna Loh

    Hi Bill

    Thanks for invite.
  • Art Koff


    Any time you need information on recruiting retired executives and managers for project assignments by all means contact me. I would also appreciate your passing on your thoughts or interesting facts and materials on this subject.

  • Art Koff

    Noticed one of your photos is a dog. I am certainly a dog person. We have two Westies.
  • Mike Temkin

    Bill, Thanks for the invite into your group.
  • Jennifer McClure

    Bill, Thanks for inviting me to join your group of friends!
  • Mike Temkin

    Give me a call at 708-358-0302.
  • Krista Bradford

    Hi Bill,
    You reputation preceeds you. Would love to get better acquainted if you have time for a call. 203-227-8615.
  • Teena Shineflew (AKA Job Chick)

    Thanks for including me in your group!
  • Gerry Crispin

    You are right. I'll need another trip to Dallas though. I hear lots of great things that you are into.
  • David Pearlberg

    hey Bill, good to see you again. Hope your having a good year!

  • James Masterson

    Aloha Bill,

    Thank you for the Invite.

    You can also find me on linkedin. I would love to be in your network.

    View James Masterson's profile on LinkedIn
  • Steve Glaiser

    Bill, thanks for connecting here as well!!! --Steve
  • Executive Recruiter

    Thanks for the invite Bill!
  • Michael Castardi

    Just wanted to share with you a brief summary of my accomplishments in the Human Resources & Contract Recruiting fields. Enjoy!

    Michael Castardi.,,

    Michael Castardi started his career in the US Army in 1981 and completed extensive training not only in Human Resources / Administration but also attending Logistics training finalizing his 6 year career attached to the 145th helicopter ambulance unit located at Dobbins Air force base in Marietta Georgia as an air traffic control professional. He later introduced to the world electric check processing or the “Honest Face Machines" located in most retail centers throughout the United States. The company was later acquired by Microbilt Corporation. Castardi continued his career by founding Frankfort & Associates, Inc. which was a joint partnership with President and CEO Arol Wolford of Construction Market which was a major competitor of McGraw Hill’s Dodge Reports. Castardi then founded a premier human resources company known as National Career Networking specializing in outplacement during the recession of 1991and later rounded the company to provide contract recruiting and permanent placement. Castardi not only received his SPHR certification but also received national attention by President Jimmy Carter and made his way into feature articles in the Wall street Journal, Atlanta Business Chronicle, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta Magazine while lecturing at Emory School for Business and made several appearances with major radio and television stations. He was then approached by Kaye Manokowski, VP of Kelly Services to transition and start the first technical recruiting division but was quickly swept away after only a couple of years by Microsoft to spearhead the first strike team of recruiters. While at Microsoft his successfully sourced, recruited, and hired some of the worlds leading experts in technology for the consulting division that included the White House, DEA, FBI, CIA, ATF and the NASDAQ website. Castardi left Microsoft for a position at the Georgia Institute of Technology where he had a dual directorate reporting to the VP of Information Technology Gordon Wishon, and the VP of Human Resources Chuck Dounbaugh. While at Georgia Tech his chaired the newly formed directorate of Internet Security and hired Director Herbert Baines. Castardi was in charge of coordinating all hiring efforts for the Institute and recruited over 161 people in 18 months. This was accomplished during the time of the Internet boom and technical talent was at a premium. While at Georgia Tech he successfully recruited and retained staff level positions for the College of Architecture, College of Computing, College of Engineering, College of Management, College of Sciences and the Research Institute. Castardi then complimented his career by specializing as a full life cycle contract recruiter for various fortune 100 companies and assisted in two high technology start-ups. He has lead teams that created the standard for the national IQ score reporting for Dr. Andrew Carson. Castardi’s passion for research and recruiting lead him to start MCS Research founded in 2000. MCS, Inc. Is a premier Research and Direct Sourcing Company specializing in Name Generation corporately headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Amanda Papp

    You're right, Bill....we do!!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • Nick Araco, Jr., Esq.

    Thanks, Bill. I live in Gwynedd; just a short drive to Hatboro. small world. I am actively seeking information on M&A activity in the job board. Let me know if you have any insight/info/point-to's to share...Nick
  • Mike McMillin

    Thanks Bill. I am looking forward to it as well.
  • Ann Luna

    Thanks Bill. When are you going to come speak again for us at the I always enjoy seeing you.
    Be sure and stop by at our night meeting for Recruiter of the Year. We would love to see you there.
  • Maya Walker

  • Matt Decker

    Hi Bill - Thanks for the invite ... I accept !
  • TZ

    Thank you for the ADD!
  • Chris Broussard

    Hey Bill,

    Thanks for adding me.

  • Jeff Dean

    You bet Bill. I think this site will be great for sharing ideas and networking with professionals around the area. Let me know if you need anything.

  • Maggie Robinson

    Thank You Bill for adding me. Please let me know if you need anything!
  • Angel Christian

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for adding me.

  • Wanda Nelson

    Bill - thanks for the add! I just joined today. What type of recruiting do you mostly engage in? I need help on some orders I have with a client.

    Thanks for a reply.
  • Amy Schroyer

    Thank you for adding me Bill!

  • Lewis Combs

  • Slouch

    Hey Bill. trying to add the feed from Xtremerecruiting to and it is saying there is an error with the feed. are you sure it works? also thanks for adding the RBC banner to your site. much appreciated
  • Jordan Rayboy

    Hey Bill- watch TX go all the way this year! Hook em!
  • Slouch

    Hey Bill. Ok the link you sent me for the ffed works but just si you know, it's different than the one listed on you page. Strange
  • Jessica Smith

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for adding me to your network.

  • Rob Star

    Hi Vick, we had talked many years ago and wanted to mention that your new site and blogs are real interesting and helpful. I hope you'll keep it going.

  • Casey J. Brinkman


    Great to meet you I look forward to networking together.
  • Debbie Holy

    Hi Bill,

    I guess it is all the talented recruiters!!! ;)

  • Dhruv Chokshi

    Hey Bill,

    22 Years !! You are like a Recruitment Journal my friend. I guess, I will have tons and tons to learn from you.

  • Tracy Lowery

    I'd be glad to. Feel free to connect with me on linkedin.
  • James Sharron

    Thanks Bill for the invitation. This industry is absolutely fascinating; and to have someone with your experience and insight should prove to be valuable.
  • Kathy Burzynski, CPC

    Hi Bill,
    Thank you for the friend invite. I am brand new to this and I cannot find an offical "accept" button such as on Linkedin. I think what I did is send you an invite instead. I look forward to networking with this group once I figure out the details of how it works. ;)
    Kathy Burzynski, CPC
  • Jim Buske

    Thanks for the invite Bill. I look forward to speaking with you.

    Best Regards,
  • Alicia Scott

    Excellent. Thanks, sincerely for the welcome. Very greatful - Alicia