Jeff Dean

, Male

Frisco, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
LinkedIn Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Dennis Smith

    Hey Jeff - I'm about a month late on my welcome, but very glad to see you in the community.

    Nice to have another Texan on board!

  • Dennis Smith

    Hola Jeff Dean! I hope you'll join us at Cape Buffalo next Thursday for the Networking Party. Jason's got the food/drinks covered, so we're just getting together for a couple of hours of recruiter-talk and fun.

    Please consider joining us - great opportunity to make new friends in the recruiting community.

  • Dennis Smith

    Jeff - no prob! There will be another!

    Have fun in CA

  • Rob Daugherty

    Jeff - thanks for the message!!! Let's touch base soon.
  • Cara Cioni


    Thank you for the welcome message.

    Cara Cioni
  • Cherese DeJesus

    Thank you Jeff for the message. I look forward to networking and sharing ideas with you!

  • Brett Wallace

    Jeff - thanks for connecting. I know some technical folks I can run your question by tomorrow. Congrats on making club! Sounds like you're also off to a great start in 2008.
  • Bill Vick

    Hi Jeff - I'll forward to seeing how we can help each other.
  • Angela Lee


    Thanks and looking forward to future partnerships!

  • Tammy

    Hi Jeff, thanks for the welcome. I have lots of colleagues in Texas. Perhaps I can be a resource to you.


  • Melynda

    Congrats on the Prez club! Always happy to see another Texan! I see what I can find out about the screening software too!

  • Leslie Perry


    Wow you sound like you are blazing a trail. Thanks for the invite. Looking forward to networking with a great recruiter!!

    Take care,
    Leslie Perry
  • Sally Raade

    Hi Jeff.

    It's nice to meet you! Welcome to the community!
    Have a great week!

  • Rebecca Eldridge

    Thanks, Jeff, same to you!
  • Sam Blum


    Thanks for your message. I encourage you and your colleagues to visit our resume review community at We will be opening the Razume community to recruiters in the near future. Be sure to check back for updates.

  • Chris Broussard

    That would be great. Thanks for the invite.

  • Katy Roberts

    Hello, Jeff. I'm a technical recruiter at Sprint Nextel. I would love to network with you. Are you on Linked In?
  • Karen Swim

    Hi Jeff! Thanks for the invite! I will send you an invite on LI. It's a pleasure to connect and I look forward to networking.

  • Maya Walker

  • Allison Klein

    Thank you Jeff! I have just sent you an invite on LI.
  • Shelley Howell

    Absolutely Jeff..Ill send you an invite on LI

  • Ramesh Anand

    Thanks Dean.

    Trying to figure the site out...
  • Marianne Christesen

    thanks for the welcome note - sorry for the delayed response!
  • Chris Kelley

    Hi, Jeff.
    Thanks for the Welcome.
    Glad to be here.
    Happy Recruiting!
