Misty Flippin

Comment Wall:

  • Recruiting Animal

    Love your name
  • Ann Luna

    Welcome to the group.
  • Ken Rochon


    Welcome to the site!

    How are you doing?

  • Dennis Smith

    Hey fellow Texan! Welcome to the site!!!

    RecruitingBlogs.com is sponsoring a recruiters networking party next week, March 6th, at Cape Buffalo in Addison @ 6pm! I hope you'll join us. Jason (Slouch) is flying in from Canada and paying for all the food|drinks, so you should join us!

    We're just going to network - talk - have fun! Oh yeah, and then there's the food/drink part : )

    We hope you will join us! Amanda is keeping track of headcount so Jason will know how much cash he needs to fly in (hah)...so if you can make it, please email Amanda at amanda.recruiter@gmail.com. She'll reply with an invite so you can get on her official headcount list.

    Last thing - promise.....feel free to invite some folks from work.

    Welcome to the community and hope to meet you next week!

  • Dutcher

    Let me know if you ever need help finding people. I am a Dallas resident that keeps in touch with several companies.