Gary Latino

, Male


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi C, I'm new to the recruiting community and I'm looking forward to networking with great people!

  • Dr. Edward Mallory

    thank you Gary. With wonderful people like you and John and Derry, Medical HR has to get better, and soon make a lot of money.

    Dr. M.
  • Gary Latino

    Dr M,

    Thank you for the vote of confidence,We the managment team of MedicalHR wish you the best of success.Your involment with MedicalHR’s extensive network of contacts in the healtcare industry in a mutually beneficial arrangement.

  • Walt Dinger


    I would consider this option however you will need the right qualifications in our industry (Power) for me to toy with the idea.
  • Barbara Agostini

    Hi Gary,
    I recommend that you visit:
    for a complete list of health authorites in Canada by province. All of which need nurses and many that recruit internationally.
  • Jim Canto

    Networking with medical and healthcare professionals and recruiters? Don't forget to join the Medical and Health Care Recruiter Group here on Recruiting blogs. This link will take you there:

    I also sent you a friend request.
    Hope to see you there soon.
