Bill Vick


Plano, TX

United States

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All Industries, Technology, Other
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    Oh Bill you are now near and dear to my heart. The metropark system is truly a gem and a real gift. I just buried my dad last year in Rocky River so my heart will always be there. Thank you for reaching out and let me know if I can ever be of assistance to you.
  • Shy Pahlevani

    Hello Bill,

    Would you like to do a link exchange with my online video resume service, ?
  • Mona M. Carpenter

    Bill, guess the same is true of any industry. Would love to know a couple of good executive recruiters in the Dallas market.
  • Karl LeMuth

    Wonderful, Bill, I look forward to it!
  • Penelope Alexander

    Hi Bill -
    Thanks for inviting me to this site. I'm here in Plano too....after many years in Silicon Valley/SF Bay Area. I'm in a very small niche recruiting market....definitely feeling a slowdown this year because of the economy.... I'm glad to be able to talk to other recruiters.
    Thanks again.....
  • Josh Millman CSP, CIR

    Thanks for the note Bill. I look forward to networking with you. Please let me know if there is anthing that I can do for you.
  • David


    Thank you for the advice. I completed my profile on the places you suggested I visit. I will let you know how things progress.

    Kindest Regards,

  • Doug Beabout

    Proud to be associated with you as always! This is a grade A venue!

  • Kevin S. Cruise

    Thanks for the invite Bill!

  • Dr.Larisa Varenikova

    Dear Bill, I am delighted to be invited to your group.
    Let's stay in touch!
    Warmest regards,
  • Paul Winston

    It's a pleasure to join the group Bill. I look forward to meeting your friends and peers.

    Paul Grimshaw
  • Kent G Aanderson

    Bill ,
    Thank you for the invite
    I would invest in a person idea For FUTURE . I saw years ago the Gobal Value of a word FUTURE with peoples own ideas can creat global open door self suporting infranstrutures .
    I also saw how the word FUTURE is like a infranstruture ad the people and their ideas or their
    countries ideas for FUTURE is the Global product , and part of a Global infranstruture .
    I have placed 12 years of my life and my own ideas To a word FUTURE . Im fighting 24/7
    For the people Global FUTURE rights individual rights to use the word FUTURE .
    The infranstruture is the US-Europe pend trademark applications for the word FUTURE pend for a world . and the usage would be shown threw the peole and their ideas . I see FUTURE
    uniting all . FUTURE is a word that has a meaning of hope to all . Yes i would invest in people and tehir ideas For FUTURE I see value in a person ideas and working together with all .
    by Kent G anderson of
  • Jackie Nabat

    Bill, just got back from 2 weeks diving in the Maldives with Whale Sharks ( 25 -30 feet), 12 foot mantas and white tip sharks! beautiful place! Glad to be connected. Jackie
    I like the sharks better in the Maldives than in the automotive sector!
  • Darrin Holbein

    Thanks for inviting me to join your network.

  • Lacy Tanner

    Thanks for the invitation though I must say you are the one with the impressive profile- mine looks weak in comparison.. lol. Good ole' Dennis though. :-)
  • Gina OLeary

    Hi Bill, Nice to hear from you. Yes, I think there are many of us ex-MRI'rs out here in the recruiting world. :)

    I'm glad to be connected with you. Thanks for the invite!

  • Kristi

    Hi Bill - Thanks for reaching out to me. You can check out our website or feel free to contact me directly. I may be able to get you in touch with our CEO to speak on a high-level about our unique business model. Based on your profile, our company is right up your ally. Thanks again...Will you be at Kennedy?
  • Ken Altreuter

    Bill, Thanks for the invitation. Your professionalism in support of our industry is much appreciated!! Ken
  • Karen Bloom

    Gerry is the great connector - but of course, I call him the Michael Moore of Staffing. Happy to connect.
  • Alisha Smith

    Hi Bill, I was given a message the other day from one of our marketing coordinators, that you were interested in conducting a skype video interview with our CEO Jade Bourelle? A video to post on I am interested to hear about your proposal... I am the Marketing Manager for Talent Technology Corporation and wouldn't mind chatting when you get a minute!
  • Aaron Carter

    heay Bill how are you doing.? nice to hear from you. I am new to this site and since a while now I am trying to find out resumes... However though this web page is great it does not seem to very user friendly at least not at the first glance. I was wondering whether you could assist me or give any advice on how to find resumes here
  • Arly

    Thank you. I look forward to making some great contacts and learning from the best.
  • David Santacroce

    I just did a quick sign up , I will look at it more in detail.. Dont want to get in the middle of PT. We had a ultrasound today and you can just start to see the legs and arms, prett exciting
  • Alisha Smith

    Hey Bill! Yes... Vancouver is amazing, I have travelled all over, but will always call Vancouver home! I did get your voice mail, I apologize, I have been caught up in a number of activities this afternoon, but will reach out to you tomorrow morning! Happy Wednesday!
  • Mark Hopkins

    Thanks for the welcome and invitation. I'll check it out.
  • Saloumeh

    thank you Bill. I will for sure take a look at it. this looks like an amazing site. It wil take me some time to learn how to properly navigate it.

    any tips?
  • Stacey Stockman

    Thank you Bill for constantly assembling those industry leaders responsible for blazing paths through and incorporating social networking advancements to the recruitment industry.
    ~ Stacey
  • Mike Bjorklund

    Thanks for having me Bill. I'd like to know how to post a recruiting job on the blog!
  • Angelia Floyd

    Thanks for your comment, Bill, and thanks for inviting me as well. I am very excited to be a part of this recruiting excellence community. I hope to also be able to share some of my best practices as well.
  • Ryan Leary

    Thanks Bill! I am not too far off from Hatboro at all. That is interesting to learn. You have accomplished great things and I hope to one day have the opportunity to work with you.
  • LaKendra Adesuyi

    Thanks for offering your assistance Bill. I'll be sure to keep your request top of mind.
  • Philip Eames

    Thanks Bill - I will try and add myself to the group...

  • Kelly Dwyer

    Thank you so much for the kind offer to help. I may take you up on that as I start to dig into this site. I certainly look forward to sharing and gaining knowledge!
  • Saloumeh

    Good morning Bill, how are you?

    i have another question, do recruites poste jobs on this site, I noticed the recruiting positions, but what about non HR roles?

  • Cherese DeJesus

    To The Pursuit Of Excellence!

    Thank you Bill, I'll be there.

  • Carrie Leffew

    Thanks for your comment Bill! I grew up in Rocky River.
  • SueAnn

    Hi Bill,

    It's nice to hear from a former Clevelander! I'm just getting stared with so thanks for reaching out to me and for your offer of help. Have a great weekend
  • Denise Gabbard

    Hi Bill-- I did not realize that you were one of us! I am so glad to hear that, and glad that you share so openly with myself and all of the other Recruiters who can learn so much from you!
  • Lynda Harrison

    Hi Bill. Thank you for your warm welcome. I would accept you as a friend, however, I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I see your invite, but don't see how to accept it. Help.
  • Lynda Harrison

    I got it. Thank you for your help.
  • Kathryn Janik

    Thanks, Bill!

    I'm looking forward to participating.
  • Jim M Everett CPC CMP

    I joined and will become an active participant...................
  • Joe Sommers

    Bill - how are you?

    Actually, we have one more thing in common. After I left Ericsson in '99, we were introduced and had breakfast in Plano. I was doing primarly outplacement consulting and a few Internet recruiting workshops at the time.

    Would very much like to catch up and have coffee. I'm off the road for this week and next, so good timing. This Wednesday or Thursday is good for me - or anytime next week. At your pleasure..............

    Hope all is well,

    Joe Sommers
  • Nicole Johnson

    Thanks for the invite, Bill. I am looking forward to networking with you.
  • Aaron T Brown

    Thanks for the welcome message Bill. Obviously, I'm new to RecruitingBlog and could use some navigation tips so I hope you don't mind if I take you up on that offer.
  • Andrew Rothman

    Thank you for the welcome message. I appreciate the offer to help with I'm sure we will be chatting about many topics.
  • Vanny

    I'm new to recruitingblogs. Thanks for contacting me!
  • David H. Turner


    I will definitely join your group.


    David H. Turner
  • Cathy Steinhauser


    Thank you for the invitation. You sound like the man I would like to have working on my behalf. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

    Best Regards,
    Cathy Steinhauser
  • Scott Newman

    Thanks Bill,

    I am looking for new contract or full time opportunities, so please feel free to forward anything you might know of.

