Kep Powers

United States

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Comment Wall:

  • Tom Stewart


    Welcome to the community. I welcome the opportunity to connect with you here and on LinkedIn. Where can I find links to your music online? Great background; competitive, competitive, and competitive!


  • Tom Stewart

    Looks like some great press out there. Love country music and stock car racing personally - can't sing a lick, so I drive really fast :) Where can I hear a sample of "You, Me, and A Redhead" ?
  • Mike Nale

    Thanks for accepting my invite Kep!

  • Suzanne Dodge

    Hi Kep,

    Saw that we have some new friends in common and figured we were meant to connect! Enjoy your weeked!

  • Jonathan Rosenberg

    FYi-- nice customization to your site
  • Dhruv Chokshi

    Hey Kep, you seem to be a go-getter...It would be great knowing a person like you.
  • Dhruv Chokshi

    kep, I will surely let you know whenever I need your assistance.....Nice picture in your profile, makes you look real agressive .... impressed..
  • Ken Rochon


    Welcome to a great site with dynamic people.

    Have a great night.

  • David B. Assadi

    Hi Kep,

    If there is anything that my company can assist you with, please let me know. Thanks again. Dave
  • Maya Walker

    Thank you for adding me as a friend. Your page is beautiful!

    Recados e Imagens - Flores - Orkut

  • Punkil Patel


    Yes! you can help me in lot of ways. I do hava bult project going on right now in CT area and i am looking for some Telecom network Technicians. Do you work on technical reqs?


  • Tom Stewart

    Thanks for shipping that out! I can't wait to hear it! Please let me know if I can do anything for you - I have an extensive national network of candidates and business partners and would love to return the favor.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!
  • Anisha Gupta

    Hi, I'm new to the recruiting community and I'm looking forward to networking with great people!
  • David J. Sforza

    Hi Kep,
    How is recruiting in CT? I grew up there. Where are you located? Is the market doing well up there? We have our company HQ in RI up the road. BTW, we have the same profile theme...Area 51...very cool.
