Cherese DeJesus

58, Female


United States

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Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Financial, Healthcare, Other
LinkedIn Profile

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  • Kisha Jones

    Hi Cherese!
  • Jaclyn Malecki

    Hi Cherese, thanks for your comment! I wish you luck as you begin your recruiting career!
  • Shoheb Shaikh

    Welcome to RB - Cherese

    Did you checked out the Sourcecon1 challenge.

    Plz chk:

    Welcome once again!!!
  • Samuel Maldonado

    I hope you have great experiences in the Recruiting field.
  • Jhanina Santiago


    I am new to the recruiting blog as well! Look forward to checking out
  • Aggie Gajewska Diamond


    I'm new to this blog but not new to recruiting. Brace yourself, it's going to be a rough ride...lots of fun, too. ;)
  • Carlos Adame


    How are things going? Are you finding this as a useful tool to help you in your new role? Let me know how I can help.

  • Michael Marty

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Virgil E. Robinson

    Greetings Cherese. Thanks for reaching out.

  • Mark

    Thanks for the invite and adding me all the best for you in this new recruiting life

    - Mark
  • Greg Carpenter

    Hello! Nice to hear from you. I am just got signed up today for this tool. I've used LinkedIn for a long time now. Here's my LinkedIn
  • Lori

    Hi Cherese,

    Thank you for the message. You have found the right field. Just be patient and learn everything you can.

  • Rob Star

    I share the same thoughts and hopw we can network as well.

  • Celia

    Hi! Thanks for contacting me. Looking forward to networking with you.
  • Diva Milani

    Hello Cherese,

    Good luck with your career in recruiting! With a degree in nursing, you have a great edge in recruiting within the medical / nursing arena... lots of great opportunity there!

    Thank you for adding me to your network.

    I am not new to recruiting but I'm new to Recruiting Blogs so I am still navigating around to learn how everything works here.

    What do you hope to get out of networking on Recruiting Blogs and how might we work together in a mutually beneficial way?


  • Lisa

    Thanks Cherese, looking forward to it as well. Great job on building a solid network!
  • Joseph


    Thank you for your kind words. We can grow and network together. Talk to you soon.

  • Francoise

    Good Luck - thanks for reaching out! Let me know if you ever need any tips. FP
  • Johnel Ellison

    The staffing industry is the only industry I've ever known and I love what I do. Good luck in all your endeavors and don't hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of any assistance. You can reach me directly at 800-781-7360 or
  • Caitlin Perez

    Hi Cherese,

    Thanks for reching out to me! I see you are from Cleveland, I am originally from Bowling Green! I am looking forward to networking with you too!
  • Renee' Hoolahan

    Hello, well I work for a Recruiting company in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, so if you ever need assistance in that area, let me know., or visit our website at Have a great day!
  • Monette

    Greetings, I've have been in the recruitng industry for over 7 years. If you need and help feel free to let me know and see if I could be of any help. Welcome to the recruitng business.
  • Chris Limboo

    View Chris Limboo's profile on LinkedIn
  • Gary Latino

    HI Cherese,

    Thanks for the invite, looking foward in working with you.Good luck in the staffing biz!

  • William S. Hall

    Hi Cherese,

    Thanks for the comment. Look forward to networking with you. You're welcome!
  • Bridgette Scott

    Hey thanks ! LeI look forward to the networking choices as well! Let me know how I can help in any way at all!
  • Manny Barrientos

    Thank you for reaching out to me. I would be happy to offer any advice or help I may be able to provide.
    Please feel free to contact me.
  • Chris Limboo

    View Chris Limboo's profile on LinkedIn
  • R.L Polhill

    I'm happy to help you any any way possible.
  • Rahul Shah

    Hi Cherese,

    great to hear from you.

    Thanks for the comment. Look forward to networking with you.
  • Nicole

    Hi Cherese,
    Thanks for the invite, I look forward to networking with you too.

  • Ajay Menon

    Hi Cherese,

    Thanks for inviting, look forward to connect.

  • Thats my name

    Thanks for the add....
    Have an awsome day!
  • Cindy Santagate

    Thanks Cherese!
    You're my first recruitingblogs connection!
  • Martin O'Boyle

    Hi and thanks Cherese, I am new to this one so you are my first connection!!!
  • David J. Sforza

    Hey thanks,
    You are officially my first connection. Thanks for the welcome aboard.

  • Ryan E. Poole

    Thanks - I am doing the same :)

    Talk to you soon!

    P.S. - Nice Page
  • Abilash"AJ" Karimkuttyil

  • Ahammed

    Hi Cherese,

    Nice to see your profile in this blog, please add me into your networks.

    Also, personally, I am very well connected and a big fan of connecting folks.

    Feel free to invite me to connect on LinkedIn:

    I will be more than happy to introduce you to anyone in my network.

  • Thomas Quish

    Thanks for the note - i also look forward to working with you and our extended netWork family...

  • Thats my name

    Thanks... have a great day!
  • Syed Arshad

    Thanks Cherese!

    Please add me to your linkedin connection.

    View Syed Arshad's profile on LinkedIn
  • Bill Vick

    Hi Cherese - I grew up in Lakewood and have nothing but wonderful memories of that time as well as Cleveland. RecruitingBlogs is turning out to be a great resource and please let me know how I can help you in using it to the fullest.

    I would also like to invite you to join our group here, We are group of recruiters sharing and helping each other pursue excellence.
  • Kristi Sias

    Hi Cherese! Thank you! I am excited about being a part of the group!
  • moe kader

    THank You,
  • John Phillips

    Hi Cherese,

    Thanks for the comment about my musical tastes. I had a look at your playlist and found a few songs on it that I really like too. Obviously we both have excellent taste :-)


  • Kaimal

    Do let me know how we can help each other..

  • Masood Sayed

    Sure Cherese,

    Looking forward to posistive networking. I am an internaut, so anything related to erecruiting or outsourcing i will be able to assist.


  • Philip Eames

    Hi Cherese - thanks for making contact! Let me know if I can help at all.

    I have just set up an EMEA Recruiting Blog so that anyone wanting to know more about recruiting over here or wants to moot an idea has a forum to ask.

    Feel free to join or pass to others who may need to recruit over here,

    Blog Name: EMEA Recruiters Group!


  • David J. Sforza

    Good morning! How goes the fight in Cleveland?
