Amanda Esposito

Comment Wall:

  • Amanda Papp

  • Nicole McGovern

    Hey! I got an invite so I thought I would share. It will be good for networking!
  • Slouch

    Hi Amanda, thanks for joining. More people joined this site today than on any other day. I'll do my best over the next few days to let everyone know the different kinds of things available here on

    Thanks again

  • Ken Rochon


    I am just joining this site. Nice to be on a site with so many dynamic people.

    I was curious if you are also on linked in? Here is my profile for you to check out -

    I would gladly accept an invitation from you.

    Live with passion!

  • Nicole McGovern

    Hey! I'm glad you figured out how to comment :)
  • Chad Sowash

    Welcome to the RecruitingBlogs fray Amanda!
  • Soren Moberg

    Noticed among your friends here we have some common friends/ connections...
    A Happy Valentine Greeting from an old gentleman..
    You can reach me on:
    ... or simply by adding me as friend...
    All the best
  • Donald L. "Skip" Conover

    How can we collaborate?

    We have an unlimited opportunity to place professionals of all types in ex-patriot assignments in Saudi Arabia. As you may know, there are about 6 million ex-patriots running the country at the operational level, and they “need everything.” They have Midas’s problem, which is they must invest about US$1 billion every week between now and 2020. This represents a monumental opportunity for people “in the know” to put aside a “nest egg” and gain experience at a higher level than one can achieve with similar qualifications and experience in the USA, Europe or Japan.

    Best regards, Skip Conover
    View Donald L. (
    You can link to me on LinkedIn using
  • Tony B

    how is the market for Sr. Recruiters in Florida now?

  • David J. Sforza

    Hey Amanda,
    Just another Tampa recruiter here!! Let me know if I can assist you with something.

  • David J. Sforza

    Yes, but only for QA specialists. I am tasked with the whole SE region (FL, GA, NC, SC, TN, TX and VA). You?
  • Tony B

    things are ok here in Dallas... still with Cisco Systems for now. Where in Texas are you originally from? Dallas is a good town and home for me...
    but sure do love the Forida beaches! =)