David J. Sforza


Winchester, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?

Comment Wall:

  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi David, Welcome!

    Looking forward to networking & sharing ideas!!

  • Julia Kreibich

    Thanks David. It is beautiful as usual. :)
  • Jason Dulin

    Nic eto see you again, my friend.
  • Amanda Esposito

    Thanks David!!

    Do you recruite for local talant??
  • Regina Joppert

    Thanks, David. I see you are already in touch with Julia! We work together...
  • Amanda Esposito

    oh okay, I recruit for outside sales professionals all over. Currently my searches are in Albany,NY Milford, CT St. Louis, MO and Hartford,CT. Kind of all over the place. Please feel free to send me an invite from linked in, and let me know if I can be any help to you! amanda.esposito@wilsonhr.com
  • David J. Sforza

    LOL! I grew up in CT...
  • David J. Sforza

    Does anyone know of an opening in the Tampa Bay area for an experienced Executive Assistant? If so, I have a referral for you. Contact me for more info. Thanks.
  • Shannon Drawbaugh

    hey there David-
    I'll check out your new group, thanks! Unfortunately, I rarely do Admin positions. I dont know of anything right now, sorry!
  • Lori S.

    Hi David - thanks for the welcome. Glad to connect with others in Tampa Bay!
  • Alex Rudloff

    Beachside Melbourne, basically. I actually live in downtown Orlando right now, though. Where in Tampa are you at?
  • Cori Toler

    Thanks David - I'd love to see a Tampa recruiting commutinty as active as the Chicago one watch.
  • Carla Fuquay

    David, thanks, I am new to this and haven't gone outside of the obvious monster, and networking. Any suggestions for finding more candidates, we don't have zoom info, too expensive for now. I have a specific person's resume that I got from linked in but i am having trouble locating him, any good ideas?
  • Pat Pascucci

    Hi David,

    I came down to Tampa Bay to try something new. I opened a super dry clean store and plant. Due to current economic conditions, it didn’t work out. I am currently working as a consultant for R&D Consulting. I am looking for a full time IT recruiting position. If you know of anything please let me know.

  • David J. Sforza

    Ok, well you are going to need to so some legwork. There is a Monster.com Career Fair coming up so you might want to check that out on May 8th. Just go to Monster.com and they should have the details. Some of the recruiting shops in town that you will want to try are: KForce, Robert Half International, The Judge Group, Veredus, Rita and Management Recruiters International or MRI. Have you recruted before or are you looking to get trained? I have some personal contact that I could get you in touch with also. There are MANY recruting companies in Tampa. You just need to find the right one for you. I hope this helps.

  • nick

    Hey David. Sorry for the slow reply, was out of the office on Friday. And to answer, the beach is always spectacular here!
  • nick

    about a block from it...one VERY long block! lol
  • David J. Sforza

    Very nice. My office overlooks the bay here so I get to watch people on the beach and on the jetski's while I work. But it's a great view!!
  • Kep Powers

    Hi David,

    Connecticut is great! I see you grew up in Wolcott...I'm based about 20 minutes from Hartford. I envy the fact you are in Fl and get to overlook the bay. How beautiful.

    I enjoy recruiting here in CT and please let me know if I can ever be helpful to you. Thanks for dropping a note.
  • Alex Rudloff

    No contacts at Frontline Insurance, but I'll ask a couple peeps up that way. Market is pretty slow all over the state I think. My wife and I are in the process of buying a home over in Satellite Beach, though. With so much inventory right now we were able to be pretty picky and get a solid price. Good stuff :)
  • Cherese DeJesus

    Surging on David!

    Have a great day!!

  • Pat Pascucci

    Hi David,

    Did your friend ever join the site? I am still looking for a recruiting position.

  • Pat Pascucci

    Thank you David
  • Pat Pascucci

    Just sent him a message - Thanks again, Pat
  • Pat Pascucci

    He just messaged back asking for my phone #. Thanks
  • Pat Pascucci


    Just go back from meeting with Tom. He is a great guy and we will be doing some work together. He is about my age so we can really relate. Thanks for you help.

  • Lee Polidoro

    Thanks, David!
  • Stephanie

    Thank you!
  • J.B. Ryan

    Thanks David! Happy to help you as well.

  • Suzanne Dodge

    Hi David,

    Would be happy to talk to you about going independent, but I'm certainly not the guru (although seem to always manage to hold my own). We can chat offline. Will send a message.

  • Kersten Buck

    Thank you David, I am new to the blog thing and I know I need to graduate to new technology associate with our business. I manage a team of Sales and Recruiters and need to get smart so I can keep them up to date too! Any tips are welcome.
  • Jason Dulin

    How's this site working out for you so far? Any luck, new connects, etc.? How's recruiting in Tampa? Doing long lines still?
  • Jodi Christian

    Hi David, thanks for the welcoming message. I'm new to the world of blogging, so this will be interesting.
  • Terri Barrenechea

    Hi David.

    I will keep that in mind. Thank you!

  • Corrie Waarum

  • Tiffany Keeler

    David - I'm looking for a staffing salesperson in Central to Northern FL - IT or engineering exp preferred, but not required. Know anyone?? Thanks
  • Opal Thomas

    Thank you. I just got laid off down here yet I want to try to stay in the Fort Lauderdale area. Please let me know if you have any contacts here and keep your fingers crossed in this changing economy.

    Thanks again,
  • Tiffany Keeler

    David - thank you. Ideally Orlando area, but will look at more Senior people with specific IT staffing exp. in Tampa, Daytona, Jacksonville.
  • Amitai Givertz

    Hey, Sharon!

    Welcome to the mix here at RecruitingBlogs.com. Let me know if I can help you find your way around the place or if I can help you in other way.

    Ami G.
  • David J. Sforza

    Hi Ami,
    Did you mean to send this to me or someone else: Sharon?

  • Simon

    Hello David,

    I would like to have you as a connection....looking forward to networking with you.

  • Amanda (amanda@sasfci.com)

    Hi David,

    Do you recruit Clinical SAS on corp to corp?


  • David J. Sforza

    Hi Amanda,
    No I am strictly QA. Manual, automated and performance testing of software. Also do process improvement, change management and configuration management. Can do W-2 or C2C. Why?

  • Jennifer Burks

    Great, thanks David. I'll keep that in mind.
  • Kep Powers

    Hi David,
    It has been a while since I have checked in with my mail, etc. as I've been out straight on this end. To answer your question as to what I'm targeting, I work in manufacturing, accounting/finance and administrative positions. I have done generalist work as well all depending on the situation. All permanent positions.

    Hope that helps and keep in touch! ; )