James Carchidi

46, Male

Camp Hill

United States

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  • Mike Avillion

    Carchidi, whats up man!?!?! How's the biz?
  • Mike Avillion

    I actually live right across the street from a golf course. I love it down here, you and I need to catch up sometime. How's the hometown treating you? You ever head down this way??
  • Mike Avillion

    I lived in Mechanicsburg for a year after graduating college, but have been down here since. It is awesome, mountains and beach are both within 3 hrs and the golf is amazing.
  • Steve Parker

    Hi James,
    Looking forward to build a relationship with you..........
  • Jill Stonesifer

    I staff for a mix of both industrial and clerical. It is very stressful! I ultimately would like to get into the direct hire side of the business. Thurmont is about 20 minutes outside of Frederick, MD. I currently work in Frederick as well.
  • Rob Clarke

    Good AM to you, it is hot here in big D, but nothing compared to what you guys have been getting up there....actually in the physician market our prices are one of the best for retained firms, so while clients are always looking to lower fees- we do not see it quite as often, plus the cost of them going without a physician for a day, month and/or year they could lose quite a bit more than anything we will ever charge! Hope all is going well for you-stay in touch and I will catch up with you on linkedin as well!
  • Jill Stonesifer

    Difficult isn't even the word! Baltimore is actually about a 45 min commute from where I am...although I am not sure what it would be like during prime hours.