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  • Jason Burt

    Hi Slouch - Great site! I appreciate the offer to introduce me to recruiters in the Semiconductor space. I'm always interested in talking with good people, especially in one of my lines of focus. Just let me know what I need to do. Thank you for reaching out.
  • Lacy Tanner

    Indeed I do. He is my recruiting director.
  • Danielle Zittel Moseley

    Hey Jason! Yeah, things are great over here. Is everything going well up there?

    I don't remember if I commented, but your band is awesome! I really enjoyed listening to your posts on YouTube. Have a great weekend!
  • Lacy Tanner

    Oh and PS- I met you at ERE... remember Mr. Senior Citizen? lol. I was the one with Dennis. ;-)
  • Kristi

    Thanks for the link...We're slowly but surely getting our name out there...Any new info on Kennedy I need to know about? I'll be the one in the prom kidding
  • Sheree Ruland

    Thank you for the congrats. :-) Next time I'm in Toronto I need to look you up. Love the casinos!
  • John Rhine AKA JR

    Hey Jason,

    Keep the good work!

  • Sheree Ruland

    I wish I could meet you at the tables, er, I mean at the conference! I already have plans for that week that I can't get out of. Otherwise, I would definitely be there. :-)
  • Marjorie Creagh

    Hi Slouch,
    Yes I think the Recruiting Roadshow was great. Fantastic speakers and a great turn out. Always good to network and learn new things! You are my first comment to write on this website, hope you get it :-)
  • Mike Bjorklund

    Hi Slouch,

    How do I post a recruiter job on the site?
  • Darren R. Eden

  • Rachelle Munson

    Hey Slouch - Thanks for starting this recruiting blog! Rachelle
  • Sally Raade

    Hi Slough,

    What happened to the IMs thing you had on the right side of the page?
    It was a cool tool! Have a great week!

  • Sally Raade

    Hi Slouch,

    I looked where you told me to look but I couldn't find. I guess it's not on my page. Have a great week! It's no big deal...I can live without it.

    Have a great week!

  • Sally Raade

    Hi Slough,

    Thank you, I found in on the main page.......! I guess I have just been
    on my page too much! :)

  • Amanda Papp

    Nearly 7,000 members......nice!!!
  • Talent Drive

    Thanks Slouch,

    Jim Durbin has been working with me on some videos. He has a lot of interesting ideas. I check out some of your videos on your main page. Good Stuff.

  • Peter Reed-Forrester

    Hi Slouch,

    I would like to set up a group for those recruitment company leaders (internaltionally) interested in Mergers and Acquisitions.

    Can you help/advise ?

    Peter Reed-Forrester
  • Kristi

    Excited to be here @ Kennedy...Looking forward to the next few days...
  • Kristi

    I had a fabulous time this week with you. Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to come and experience this AWESOME convention.
  • Kevin Stakelum

    Hello Jason,
    It was great meeting you at the conference. I had a great time speaking with you and look forward to continuing our conversations in the future!!!!

  • Kristi

    Attending the show was the most important thing I've done since coming on board! Meeting everyone and sitting in on the sessions was invaluable! You have an awesome entourage...The drive back, however, was not so fun :)

    Thanks again for inviting me - I'm pushing to attend the Fordyce....We'll see what happens...
  • Joe Peters

    Got the email about the RB group on LinkedIn, but LinkedIn keeps returning an error. Are you sure the group is set up?

  • Carole

    Thank Slouch, for starting this I can't belive how many member we have unreal!
  • jobboardguy

    Pleasure finally running into you. I'm sure we'll see each other soon.
    Thanks again for all you do.

    Stay well.

  • Perrin Peacock

    Hey Jason,

    Great talking to you as well. Thanks for your support.

  • Joe Peters

    Many thanks - hope you get the 1000 cap lifted.
  • Joe Peters

  • Joe Peters

    Slouch - can you please send the link for the group?
  • Nancy Holland

    Hi Jason, great meeting you as well! Sorry we didn't get a chance to talk much in Vegas - hopefully I'll see you at SHRM.
  • Scott Baxt

    Got a message from Maren, that what you were referring to?
  • Corey Eberly

    I thought my pic was a perfect representation of a frustrated recruiting day.....
  • Michael Creighton

    I do make them, they are extremely custom. I advertise on craigslist. If you tell me what you want, I can quote you a price. Or call me. 972-352-8999. Thanks for the interest.
  • Jodi Christian

    No, I don't know him and would love for you to introduce me. Thanks!
  • Jodi Christian

    Thanks for doing that.
  • Michael Creighton

    you get that link the other day?
  • Susan Kang Nam

    you're welcome.
    Look forward to networking with you at some point near future.

    All the best,

    Andover, MA
  • Kristi

    Great to hear you'll be putting on a show - can't wait to see the agenda...
  • Ben Gotkin

    What's up? I haven't been around much lately, very very busy, plus a brief vacation this week.

    Nice video from HELP! A favorite movie of mine since I was very young. I'm going to see a Beatles tribute band called 'Rain' in a couple weeks. They are supposed to be one of the best around.

    Hope we cross paths again soon...
  • Kristi

    ?? November ??
  • Michael Creighton

    You get taken care of?
  • Gayle Stafrace


    I would love to be able to connect and share ideas with people within my community of Guelph, Ontario. Where can I find them?

    Kind regards, Gayle
  • Mindy Whitcher

    Nice to meet you last week at the Fordyce Forum Jason! I had a great time, met some talented recruiters and learned from some of the best in the industry!!
    Have a great week.
    Mindy Whitcher, Executive Recruiter, Career Search International
  • Volora Howell

    It really great to meet you. .
  • William Tincup

    Hello to you.
    I'm looking to sync my blog on to my page on recruitingblogs. I'm having some trouble....any ideas?
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Thanks, Brother - Hey, I just bought a webcam and took a pic a few minutes ago . . . but I think I'll put up a smiling one instead :) P.S. My profile on Bill Vick's post is actually incorrect - it's (not what is up there now).
  • Talent Drive

    Morning Slouch!

    Just see what your up to. Its going good for me this morning. Waiting for that weekend to roll around.
  • Jacob Fleming

    Hi slouch! thanks for your help... I can see your message but not the one I was informed of this morning?
  • Bryan Starbuck

    Hi Jason,

    You are right, I need to get into more conversations. I've been so busy in our company getting our next generation product ready that I've been pretty heads down.

    The RecruitingBlogs is a great community.
  • Judy golden


    I wrote you and I am interested to host a tuesday chat about the new world of social network companies and SaaS
    Recruiters need to be familiar with whats going on and to get involved

    Thats what I want to communicate and to answer questions so people can have a plan to get on board this moving train

    from Judy