Amie Ernst

, Female

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Recruiting Animal

    Will you consider joining the Indian recruiters group?
  • santoshkrsingh

    hi amie i m 26 male from india
    i m a inter net researcher in in a company named visnovasolutions
  • Amie Ernst

    Hi Jeremy! Thanks! Glad to be here.

    Hi Santo! I am here in Cincy Ohio working in Corporate Recruiting currently.
  • santoshkrsingh

    hi amie thanx for being my friend
  • Amie Ernst

    Ok, I am in a slump the last two days. LOTS of calls out to candidates, and no return calls. I am wondering if everyone is out on vacation this week and I didnt get the memo. :)
  • Erika Seitz

    Hi Amie,
    I was wondering if you could possibly help me out. I am considering switching my industries. I want to become a recruiter. I am getting ready to update my resume... any advice or places where to apply? I am in Columbus Ohio.
  • Amie Ernst

    Twitter - Are you using it?? How do you like it?
  • Ken Rochon


    Just signed on today. I am really impressed with the quality of people on this site. Let me know if you are on linked in.

    Hope we can connect.

  • Julia Stone

    amie you look like you are getting close, did you find him yet?
  • Amie Ernst

    Me thinks I am VERY close ;)
  • Claudia Faust

    Great addition to the blog post today, Amie!
  • Bill Vick

    Hi Amie - RecruitingBlogs is turning out to be a good resource for sharing and learning. Please let me know if I can help you in using it.

    I'd like to invite you to join us here at the group.

    We are a growing network of recruiters pursuing excellence and would value your input.
  • Anna Karoutsos

    I am interested in the virtual recruiting position you have available, how do you move forward?