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Which industries do you work in now?

Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    ryan by the way, you are member 9900
  • Ryan

    Wohoo! I have always wanted to be member #9900!

    ... also, that is a pretty impressive member count...
  • Ryan

    man... I thought I would make it more than 10 minutes in here before someone exposed my true identity! But thanks for the welcome :)
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Casey J. Brinkman

    Thanks for joining my network! If I can help with anything let me know. Have a wonderful week!

    Casey Brinkman
  • Kari Quaas

    Tulip Festival?
  • Kari Quaas

    : ) Yeah, the weather this spring didn't help much, did it?

    Do you work downtown?