Jeff Weidner

, Male

Concord, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Consumer Goods, Financial, Healthcare, Services, Technology, Utilities
Twitter Profile

Comment Wall:

  • John Moed

    Hey Jeff! We should go to lunch one of these days. Not many of us in the East Bay.
  • Heather Gardner

    Thanks for the add Jeff! Welcome to the RecruitingBlogs - I see your local to me. Feel free to contact me direct for networking 831-464-1041.
  • Diane Fox-Gibson

    Got your invite. Am happy to connect with you.
  • Sheree Ruland

    Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for inviting me to connect, it's my pleasure to accept and hope to be able to help out in some way - just let me know!
  • Kevin S. Cruise

    Thanks for the invite! Happy to connect.
  • Melissa Metz, CPC

    Jeff, many thanks for the invitation.
    -melissa :)
  • Mike O'Neil

    Thanks for the invite Jeff!

  • Karen Swim

    Hi Jeff, thank you so much for the invite! Your areas of specialty are incredibly interesting. I have biotech connects so if you're ever in need of a good candidate, let me know. Looking forward to networking.
  • Kent G Aanderson

    Jeff ,
    Thank you for the invite .
    home 1701-223-0639
  • Marshciene Hendrix

    Hi Jeff!

    Thanks for inviting me to this site. I got your email and I joined the group on LinkedIn too. Why did I already have 9 friends after I signed up to LOL! I will finish my profile details later. Again, thanks for the professional connection! Have a fantastic day!
  • Slouch

    Jeff, thanks for introducing with your network today.
  • SP

    Hi, Jeff,

    Thanks for the invite!

  • Jude Dsouza

    Hey Jeff,

    Thanks for the invite. My pleasure to accept.

    You have a great evening!

  • Bill Vick

    Hi Jeff - I'd like to extend a personal invitation to join our group here on RecruitingBlogs. Our purpose is to help our group members achieve excellence in recruiting.
  • Carissa Chun

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks very much for the invite!

  • Lesley Payne


    thank you for inviting me. i am really interested in developing skills within CPD and find the groups on linked In in particular very helpful.
  • simran

    HI Jeff,

    thanks for the invitation...............
  • Jeff Dries

    Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for the invite!
  • Rob Laseak

    Thanks for adding my to your group Jeff!
  • Lety


    Thanks for the invite!

  • Robert D. Watkins

    Hello and thanks for the invitation.

  • Jeff Weidner

    Real quick wanted to add another tip on how to get more connections on Linkedin. And FYI I'm over 5100 now so these techniques work. That's about 1000 connections in the last month and I've only sent 250 invites out. And another 100+- resends.

    Old Invites can be a Gold Mine.
    Yea I know you already sent them one invite but somehow it either got ignored or lost or forgotten.

    I started going through my old invites and resending the invites to people and they started accepting them. Many replied back and stated they didn't know how they missed the first one, so something at Linkedin might be loosing invites or people aren't clearing out their invite box regularly and it gets archived/lost.

    So go to your invitations then go to your Sent invitations.
    Sort by click on the Status column you will see a bunch of invites that have a "blank" status. Then RIGHT click on each "subject line column" (this is where is says "Invitation to connect on LinkedIn" or "Join my network on LinkedIn") and open in it up in a new tab or new window. Then I click on a tab and scroll over the person's name and it will pop a little java window with a summary of their profile, I double check to make sure their are not already on my first level and click the Resend Button. I then type in a more personal note as to why I want to connect and hit send.

    If there are any invitations without an email address or LI says they can't be delivered you can Withdraw the Invite. But, from what I've noticed, "Withdrawing" the invite does not necessarily put it back in your pool of available invites.

    Once you go thru all the ones with "Blank" status, use the page numbers at the bottom and find the ones with a "Sent" status and do the same thing, Right Click and Click the Resend button and write a more personal note then hit Resend.

    This will change both the Blank and the Sent status to a Replaced Status.

    After a few weeks (3-4) you can go back thru all the Replaced and Resend again. I'm not sure how many times you can send someone an invitation before Linkedin won't allow you to send any more and my guess is that if after 2-3 Resends they still have accepted they either aren't going to ever accept or are just not active on Linkedin.

    Also be fore-warned that if someone gets let's say 2 invites from you (one original and one resend) and they IDK both invites then Linkedin counts both IDK's against you. And with the 3 strike rule they will put your account on restriction.

    Reference: An IDK is and response by the person receiving the invitation of (I Don't Know "Sender's Name") which not only declines the invitation but also puts a negative "mark" on your Linkedin profile. After 3 IDK's you will no longer be able to send someone an email without knowing their email address and Linkedin will not release additional invitations to you after you use up your initial 3000 invites. On a first offense of 3 IDK's they ask you to read the rules and agree to abide by them via email. Second offense they won't release more invites until you re-read the rules and "clean up" or explain your IDK's and third offense it's off with your head:-) just kidding same thing, you have to re-re-read clean up the IDK's and they won't release more invites to you =-( But the third offense they give you a much sterner warning and threaten to take away your account etc etc.

    Jeff Weidner
    HTC Research
    925 313 9005 X 200

    And join my group on Candidate Pipeline Development(TM) on Linkedin at
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks for your connection Jeff! Appreciate all of your LinkedIn tips!~

    All the best,

  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Jeff Weidner

    LinkedIn Joins the Billionaires' Club
    BusinessWeek Article Here

    5 yrs old on May 5th 2008 and now valued at 1 Billion!!!!

    Estimating 30 to 35 Million users by the end of 2008!!!!

    On track to hit $100 Million in sales in 2008!!!

    If you are not a member on Linkedin now is the time to sign up and be apart of the explosive growth.


    AND Be sure to send me an invitation