David Rees

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Vick

    Hi David and welcome to RecruitingBlogs. I've found it to be a good resource for sharing and learning. Please let me know how I can help you in using it.

    I'd like to invite you to join us here at the XtremeRecruiting.tv group.


    We are a growing network of recruiters sharing ideas, techniques, technologies and pursuing excellence. We would value your input.
  • Moneik Lane

    Hey Dave!
    I'm a Corporate Recruiter for BeelineRPO and I'm located in Reston, Va, but I'm Recruiting for the Dallas area. I'm very interested in speaking with you.

    We are currently expanding our market and are getting ready to open a new office in the Dallas area.
    I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you in more detail. Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested, feel free to pass my information along.

    Please contact me at the number or email address below. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

    Moneik McDonald

    Corporate Recruiter

    Office: 703.673.1511

    Fax: 703.880.7108


  • David Rees

    Well if this is going to be a blog, I might as well blog.

    Hello friends and friends yet to be. Some of you I know from the regular happy hours over the last year and some of us have networked to try to help other recruiters find a job here in town.

    My actual blog can be found at www.reesonance.com and I have been known to twitter on occasion. My linkedin contacts continue to grow automatically.
  • Laurie Canepa


    Good evening. Do you have some time to chat this week ? We could be great resources for one another. We specialize in Accounting, Finance, and IT, and work with start ups here in Austin as well. Always good to network with someone working with similiar clientele, as our clients do ask us if we can assist them with positions like sales, marketing , etc. that are outside our scope, and it would be nice if we could refer them to someone here locally to assist them with their search.

    Laurie Canepa

    Division Director

    Accountability Resources

    5918 West Courtyard Dr., Suite 100

    Austin, TX 78730

    Main Line : (800) 975-0579

    Direct : (512) 258-4986

    Cell : (512) 569-5334

    Fax : (512) 628-0376



    Visit our website: www.accountabilityresources.com

  • David Rees

    Ok, I know its a fad and I know it is extremely silly, but I can't help it. The lolcats make me laugh.

    So many interviews this week - while we have hired people without experience and we have an excellent training program, our focus is on finding experienced recruiters and (this is new) account managers.

    I am proud of the work we have done over the last year to build our brand in Austin - the happy hours, the events we have sponsored and the involvement in the community (Bun Run, etc).
  • Maureen Sharib

    Hi David - I'm glad you joined Recruiting Blogs! NOW, I want you to do ONE MORE THING - join www.magicmethod.ning.com and if you have the time join in on our T and Th noon (est) phone sourcing classroom chats.

    I know it's a lot to do!

  • David Rees

    I really am loathe to bring this up here because I don't want to be negative.

    That said, I can't stand it any longer - what in the world is up with the ERE.net website? It's like it was designed in the early 1990s. It does not work properly with Firefox which is a minor complaint, but why is it that 99% of people who post on that site do not seem to be able to post a clickable web link?

    The regularly post articles on one section of the site and rather than post a "click here to get the story" link, they post a *TEXT* URL that you have to manually copy/paste into your browsers address bar.

    Don't even get me started on the hundreds of sub forums or the layout. I will stop there because I truly love ERE and the people on there, I just wish the site could be given an overhaul to help the forum conversations not be so fragmented and things should be easier to navigate/find/link.

    Thats all.
  • David Rees

    I took a profile assessment from Profiles International. It was very interesting. Combined with my MBTI profile, my Strength Finder results, OCEAN profile, you get a slightly different angle from each instrument, but the picture is consistent.

    This is a profession where people don't like to mention their weaknesses. You always wonder who will read this and what will they think and what might they do (or not do) with the information.

    So one of the things I am weak at is basically "paperwork". I really prefer not to do paper work. I will enter notes in a system, because I see the value, but I am always the last to turn in my expense report or whatever other form happens to be needed. Oh I do it, but I don't enjoy it and I never do more than is necessary.

    There, that was not so bad was it?

    The Director that gave me the test pointed out two factors that he thought were interesting.

    The first was sociability (9 out of 10)
    The second was accommodating (2 out of 10)

    Those two factors mean I enjoy being with people and talking to people (a lot) but I have no problem saying "no" and controlling my time and what I allow to be put on me.

    The Director said those attributes show a "coach" mentality which made me feel good - I enjoy the role of player coach.

    This is a good blog to get a sense of Markus Buckingham's ideas on strengths and talents.

    I felt that overall, the results supported my top 5 strengths:
    Self Assurance

    So maybe now, you know me just a little bit better.
  • David Rees

    Watched "Gone Baby Gone" last night.

    One of the more provocative movies I have seen in a long time. Interesting characters, engaging story, lots of twists and turns.

    At it's core, the film is about how we deal with the dilemma of either doing the right thing, vs doing whatever you think it might take to try to get a "right" outcome. The movie presents these conflicting philosophies against the stark backdrop of child abuse and kidnapping which raises the emotional stakes to a level where we are forced to question what we would do if we were in a similar situation.

    In the end, the protagonist is presented with a choice. The right thing, or a better outcome. Much like real life, he is forced to make a decision with limited information and little time to fully explore both options. In the end, he makes the principled choice, at great personal expense. Much like real life, he is not rewarded for his moral clarity, but is instead confronted with a quiet reminded that doing the right thing might actually make life worse for some people.

    As recruiters, we need to be constantly testing our ethics and calibrating our moral compass. On that basis, I found that while the movie was rather dark, it challenged me on a level I did not expect.
  • David Rees

    The high price of gasoline has got me looking for a silver lining.

    I found one for myself: Maybe now we can all go back to driving and enjoying automobiles.

    I have always been a car person. This is very strange in light of my rural upbringing. What I am about to say could probably see me arrested and deported from the great state of Texas, but I think Trucks are for deliveries and work and cars are the ideal vehicle for transportation (full disclosure: I own a large SUV - long story).

    Not only do I like cars, I love LITTLE cars. More irony here because at 6'5" I should be in favor of large, cavernous vehicles, but I am not. My idea of a good time on four wheels is something with 2 seats and a removable roof.

    When I was a teenager, I was obsesses with small foreign cars. My favorite teacher in High School was a former race car driver in Europe and he had a couple of Jaguars (E-type and a partially assembled SS). My cousin restored an MGB and my friend went through a few Fiat models and another friend got a rough around the edges (but really fast) Porsche. Why would any sane person buy a "normal" car I thought? Actually owning a car like that for a while cured me (mostly, well, a little) but I remain a true car person.

    Thats my bright side. Everything in our culture is going into flux yet I am convinced that even in an age of uncertainty, we maintain the ability choose how we think about things and how we feel about the world. Existentialism lite.
  • David Rees

    Wired announces the death of the SUV.

    "The SUV as a lifestyle choice, as a personal statement, is dead," Aaron Bragman, an industry analyst at Global Insight, tells Wired.com. "People are downsizing from their big trucks to smaller cars."
  • David Rees

    I posted an ad for a web developer and got a huge number of responses. I am not a big fan of posting jobs, but I do it because its not that much effort to contact people you might not know about.

    I was excited coming in to see all the wonderful candidates that replied. As it turns out, almost all of the responses were from Web Consulting companies offering to do my web page for $X per hour.

  • David Rees

    The holidays always knock me out of the habit of updating my blogs.
  • David Rees

    Someone just called me from "So and So Professional Services" and said "The reason I am reaching out to you is to ask if I can help you with your candidate pipeline"

    "No, you cannot"

    [surprised tone and stammering]

    I am really direct with people trying to sell me and I appreciate good salespersonship (hows that for a word?)

    It is interesting being on the other side of a solicitation. Whatever she was selling or proposing was not clear and the first thing I thought was that she wanted to do splits or sell me some 3rd party candidates - neither of which I was interested in plus I was really busy so I just shut it down.

    Once I realized she was not doing that, I lightened up, but she was already deploying her parachute. Oh well.

    Good less in selling - sell the value, not the process. I still don't know what she wanted.
  • David Rees

    Follow me on Twitter:

  • David Rees

    If you are in Austin, you can meet me at the Door64.com Hi-Tech Career Fair today:

  • David Rees

    I am losing my taste for coffee.

    But not for caffeine.

    Mostly I am enjoying office coffee less and less.

    I blame the powdered creamer.

    Honestly, I am always surprised when I meet a recruiter that does not drink coffee but we have 2 or 3 of those.