Dennis Dsouza



Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Financial, Healthcare, Services, Technology
LinkedIn Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Bill Vick

    Hi Dennis - I'm glad to see your here and welcome to RecruitingBlogs. I've found it to be a good resource for sharing and learning. Please let me know how I can help you in using it.

    I'd like to invite you to join us here at the group.

    We are a growing network of recruiters sharing ideas, techniques, technologies and pursuing excellence. We would value your input.
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting it. If you would like to link on LinkedIn, my address is:
    I have over 1600 in my network and I accept all invites.
  • Sajith Vasudev

    Hi Dennis- Howdy? I was little busy with few position with Nike, Inc. I was searching your number few weeks back, couldn't find it. You can reach me at 425-378-6636. I work till 5:30am (I.S.T).Feel free to call me anytime 5:00pm-5:30am (I.S.T).You can add me to the IM
  • Dana McLee

    Hi Dennis, I appreciate you wanting to assist me with the contract recruiting opportunity I am working on , but I need to point out that I do need to utilize an agency. But I do appreciate any referrals you might have. Feel free to e-mail me directly at

    Kind regards,

    Dana McLee
  • Dana McLee

    Hi Dennis, Thank you for reaching out to me. At this time we do not need to utilize an agency for this opportunity.

    Kind regards,

    Dana McLee
  • Quadir

    Hello Dennis:
    I am Quadir from USA.
    Can you find IT candidates for contract jobs (GC or Citizens). I can send you the requirements. Please let me know. I will split compensation with you.

  • Anthony Elumeze

    Thank you cor the offer unfortunatley i do not own this firm and my owner is a little "greedy about splits". I work through an agency hiring highly skilled rich media flash developers, developers . .net architects etc....I would like to know where i can post these positions to get the best feedback. Thank you
  • Ricky Mitchell

    Dennis, since we are relative new company. I would prefer someone local. However, if you have clients with positions I have lots of resume of technology candidates for atlanta area. I've worked in the industry for 10 years in atlanta. please send email to
  • Mark

    Hello Dennis,

    I would really appreciate if you an contact me via phone or email and discuss about the positions that you have. Below are my contact info

    609 945 5318
  • Jason White

    Hello Dennis,

    I am a recruiter working with Clients in USA. Here are my contact details.

    Jason White
  • Suzanne

    Sure - -
    I wanted to talk to you about a few clients in the US.

    Shoot me an email

    Until then
  • Suzanne


    I'm not showing an email from you yet but I am available today at 4.30pm EST- Call me if this time works for you. Should you not be able to this time I am available anytime after 7.00pm today.

    I can be reached at 908-361-1746.

    Talk to you then
    Take care
  • Slouch

    can you send me some links as examples? thanks/. who is posting as you?
  • Slouch

    I see it. Thanks