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  • mattmartone

    im starting research for the recruitingblog hotties blog post
  • Nancy Holland

    Hey Jason, I uploaded my vidoe for the contest. Hope you like it!
  • Nancy Holland

    Well, thanks but I would say great is quite a stretch! :-)
  • Ryan Pratt


    I was wondering who I could get in contact with at to talk about putting on webinars a lot like the ones Affinity Circles are doing? I work for a company called MBAFocus and we are looking into hosting virtual MBA recruiting webinars for our partner schools and corporate partners.

    Thank you,
  • Ryan Stene

    Slouch, great to meet you last week! I cant wait to work with you more and more! Have a great week!
  • Scott Love

    Thanks, Jason! I'm booking flights today or tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
    See ya!
  • George LaRocque

    I debriefed my counterpart in Marketing today - he's as excited as I am. I'll shoot you an email tomorrow with some availability for a call to discuss all of the ideas.
  • Slouch

    ok good.
  • John Smith


    Would love to speak with you about site sponsorship advertising that we are looking for our company. Your blog seems to be a good fit.

    John Smith
    The Albany Group
  • Chuck Taylor

    You the man!!!
  • Chaitanya

    Dear Slouch-

    nice to see you in networking group.

    Introducing Myself Chaitanya and would like to add you to my network.

    Thanks & Regards,
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Jason ~ ok. I am 100% in for Recruitfest as of tonight.. just had a final green light conv.. and will register this weekend, talk to Maren.. and more of Maren.. :) and then, see you and rest of RBC crew there ~ and get myself more training & see you guys play poker for a good cause. Congrats for putting this together. You are doing all the right things. Great ~ Talk to you later ~

  • Gregory Graf

    Lets talk on Monday. We are working on a lot of cool things right now and I would love to discuss them with you.
  • Joe Botto

    None of the HTML work on I tried adding a badge, and I used your "add to myspace" icon to try and add it, but all I get is HTML code??
  • Joe Botto

    Dude, your the "Tom" of recruiting!!
  • Jonathan Fest

    Morning Slouch,

    Just wondering if you were planning on changing the old "spider-web" logo on Linkedin to the new and improved Logo?

    P.S. Still tyring to justify RecruitFest to my boss, he has yet to see the value in RBC. I even told him that this conference was even named after me;)
    Jonathan Fest
  • Ray Bixler

    Ditto. I will get back to you by the end-of-day regarding RecruitFest.
  • Ray Bixler

    Thanks for the connection
  • Hank Stringer

    Yep - available 1 - 3 CST this afternoon
  • Steven Rothberg

    Nope. No charge the webinar on how employers can and should use Facebook. Feel free to post a comment or blog entry about it. The more who register the merrier. Registration is at
  • Mahendra

    Hey are you the JD we looking for at SC 3
  • Sheben Rawat

    Are you related to Harry Smith ?
  • Susan Kang Nam

    lol.. ok.. no more comment about your pic.. and feel free to comment on mine.. I can always change - actually this one is from my casting pict - long story.. (I changed when I first joined to this one as my sis had problems... it's all in the family..) have a great time in NH~
  • Donato Diorio

    nice. Now try that after she had a big drink of water.
  • Siby

    hi are u the same JD mentioned on S3
  • Shoheb Shaikh

    Please have a look..

  • Hasan Mirza

    Hello Slouch - Can we email or post a message to all the members here on recrutingblogs in a single instance?...kindly let me know...!
  • Hasan Mirza

    Slouch - What ever had happened that was not intentional and you are exaggerating things beyond the limit, I requested you to let me know the procedure to email or post the message to all the members so that i can broadcast my consultants list for contracting oppurtunities.

    And if you still think that i am here to socialize with woman you can gladly remove my profile.

  • Jonathan Fest

    Thanks JD! ning it is and Toronto or bust!
  • Gavin Chase

    Funny? I thought you were going to use it tomorrow when the winner is announced!
  • Amybeth Hale

    I made it all on Friday - maybe a few hours?
  • Margaret Graziano

    Jason, do you need any more speakers??? I think I can contribute to this event, in the area of either selection, recruiter team building or bridging the gap between selection and succession planning. I would have offered sooner, just been on the road and away from the lap top.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Jason ~ live traffic feed is interesting.. get to see who is logging in from all over the world.. it's great~~
  • Melinda Clason

    Hi Jason,

    I work at Sendouts as a Business Developer. I'm new to the Recruiting space so any info or feedback is appreciated. I've been checking out many networking sites and this site has by far been the most helpful!! ~
  • Sally Raade

    Hi Jason,

    Can we not able to change our theme anymore? I noticed it gone.......
  • Shelley Griffiths

    Hey Jason,

    I have tried a couple times to upload a small picture that won't look all blurry. I don't know how the approval process works and really don't care which one is used as long as it isn't the size of a movie screen and fuzzy. If you need anything from me just let me know and thanks in advance!

  • Sally Raade

    Hi Jason,

    "Comments are closed for this blog post" What does this mean? Perhaps no one liked the blog or there's too much replies?
  • Shelley Griffiths

    I would be grateful if you don't mind - thank you!!
  • mattmartone

    site looks great
  • mattmartone

    just doin my thing...workin at start-up. building out this linguistic job matching technology

    the tech:
  • Dennis Dsouza

    Hi Slouch,
    I have a problem,
    1 person has copied my post from a different thread word to word and is posting it in other "job for recruiters" post under his names.

    Please advise.

    Thanks and Regards
    Dennis Dsouza
  • Dennis Dsouza


    First: Refer to the post by Matthew

    and then to the reply on post I have done a months back

    Thanks and Regards
    Dennis DSouza
  • Dennis Dsouza

    PLease check this post also:
  • Rachele Konja

    Is this Jason? Pete Altieri said to get in touch with you.
  • Thad Greer

    That's right. I am not looking to sell this as a subscription, I'm looking to sell the code. Yes, it is scalable. One firm with multiple users could use it or as you said, sell it to recruiters as a subscription-based service--however, it would need some tweaking.
  • Rachele Konja

    RecruiTV is interested in sponsoring a forum/poll to have the top 29 non-recruiting social sites recommended.
    I am searching for non-recruiting site where Sales, IT, SEO marketers, etc. would likely be checking out based on their hobbies, etc. Basically finding out where these folks play and to get the latest and greatest on their interest and hobbies.
  • Doug Ries

    I'm in!
    Oh yeah, and I checked out a few of your songs on youtube... some nice stuff.
  • RD Whitney

    Hey Jason. Did you get my email that I sent to you and Dave M about the opportunity? I thought the Dec Vegas Planet Hollywood speaking opportunity to this network at their 25th emarketing publishing event might be helpful to you and Dave M. I know this community would find your RB growth story very interesting. You are a media company now! If you want me to suggest you for this speaking gig, let me know. Only if it is good for you -- just thought I would mention. I have to let the speaker selecton team know my suggestions asap. RD
  • Thad Greer

    Jason...are you going to send out an email today about the demo on Tuesday at 11 am EST? Thanks! Thad
  • Donato Diorio

    With those dark faces, this is the first picture I got in bright sunlight where you could see them both. Archer (puppy) just hit 90 lbs at 7 months old.