Kim Koslovic

, Female

Cleveland, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Financial, Industrial, Services, Other

Comment Wall:

  • Kim Koslovic

    Hello acquaintences, I am new to recruiting blogs and also very excited about the prospect. I hope to be able to chat and share tips and news with you soon!
  • Jim Canto

    Hi Kim. Looks like your page here is coming along nicely. If your job includes sourcing medical professionals, I'd like to help. Hope to speak with you soon. You'll find more information about me on my page here at recruitingblogs.
  • Slouch

    page looks nice. If you have a blog elsewhere, you shoild plug the rss feed into here.
  • Dennis Smith

    Hey Kim! So sorry to hear about your situation! Bummer! The first thing I'd do is get in touch with Leslie:

    It looks like you are connected to her already - she's the SearchWizards guru and could possibly hook you up with a new virtual role. She's pretty awesome.

    Let me know how it goes - my feelers are out there for you.

  • Dennis Smith

    Hey, just read where you connected with Leslie! That's awesome, and it's a terrific example of what this community is all about.

    Please keep me updated!

  • Scott Boren

    Welcome. I have been an active LinkedIn user for while and new to this site. I will send a connect.
    Yell if you need anything.
  • Jackie Bellanco

    Hi Kim, thank you for the message. Yes, I am in Cleveland as well, loving this weather......

    I am an HR Specialist for Nationwide Insurance and have been in that position for almost a year. Most of my career was agency recruiting......
  • Travis

    Would like to network with you...
  • Cherese DeJesus

    Hi Kim,

    Great to see a fellow Clevelander on site!

    Look forward to networking with you,

  • Nilesh Roy

    Just leaving my
    ...............(_/......... footprints while visiting your profile here.
  • Simon

    Hello Kim,

    As we are in the same group " recruiters on linkedin"...i think we should get connected.
