

Plantation, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Consumer Goods, Services, Technology

Comment Wall:

  • Chris Wessell

    Welcome! Let's connect on LinkedIn as well! :)

    View Chris Wessell's profile on LinkedIn
  • Chris Limboo

    Hello Laurie ,
    Welcome to Recruiting
    If you would like to connect via
    Feel free to connect with me here:

    View Chris Limboo's profile on LinkedIn
  • Amitai Givertz

    Hey, Laurie!

    Welcome to the mix here at Let me know if I can help you find your way around the place or if I can help you in other way.

    In the meantime, you might want to check out the South Florida Metro Recruiters group and see what's going on a bit closer to home.

    Ami G.
  • Amitai Givertz

    Thanks for the note!
  • Doug Rickel

    Thanks...I just wish I was as gorgeous as you!
  • Doug Rickel

    Just accepted it. We're linked.
  • Simon

    hello Laurie,

    I would like to have you as a connection.....Looking forward to networking with you.

  • Rick Ryan

    Hi Laurie,

    I am in recruiting professional in the Fort Lauderdale area with 10 years experience. I am networking with other professionals in the field as I search for a new position. If you know of any recruitment opportunities in the area, I would appreciate any leads or referrals. If possible, I would like to send my resume to you.


    Rick Ryan
  • Rick Ryan


    I am open to hearing about any opportunities. I have worked in corporate, agency and PEO organizations. Thanks
  • Rick Ryan


    You can e-mail me at I will respond with resume. Thanks!
  • Manu Mittal

    Hi Laurie

    J Vista Software is an IT Staffing company. We have a good number of consultants available on our W2. We also have strong resourcing team which can help you to get best match for your requirements in minimum turnaround time. Will appreciate if we can be of any help to fill your IT positions with you or with your clients.

    Manu Mittal
    732 361 4968
  • Nancy Ford

    Hi Laurie! I've sent you a friend request - you and I both recruit in the CPG space. I'm working on a bugger of a position in Heathrow, actually. Give me a bell if you can help me out: nancyf @ creativenetworkinc . com
  • Bill Vick

    Hi Laurie - I lived in Plantation years ago and my nephew, David Santacroce, is a super star recruiter for SC Plantation. :)

    Like you I'm finding RecruitingBlogs to be a good resource for sharing, learning and possibly collaboration. Please let me know how I can help you in using it.

    I'd like to invite you to join us here at the group.

    We are a growing network of recruiters sharing ideas, techniques, technologies and pursuing excellence. We would value your input.
  • Laurie

    How Funny. I work for here with David.....small world.
    have a great day.
  • Inez Miles

    Hi Laurie - I accept your invite!
    Aha, I see you're in Plantation. As soon as I learn how you prefer to be contacted, I'll give your info to my brother.
    He started recruiting years before I was recruited to recruit here in Reno (I have an extensive telecom background). Now, I've been doing it on and off for 10 years (when the stress gets out of hand, I do something different for a while) - but he's still way ahead of me in terms of length of time in the biz.
    Take care and have a great 4th!
    Inez Miles
  • Inez Miles

    Oops... is probably the best way to reach me.
  • Inez Miles

    Hi Laurie,
    Actually, I've been busy and out of the office a lot lately, and have missed his calls. I did get an email telling me he spoke with the owner and would be meeting everyone - and that hiring is a group decision.
    Beyond that, I got the impression he's excited about the opportunity as well as your work environment.
    Personally, I think it was meant to be because of the way it happened.
    Also, and I have told him this for years, he's a much better sales person than I am. He has the gift of gab while I'm more serious. Other than that, he's honest, honorable, trustworthy, and has a great work ethic and is systematic and analytical. I'd hire him! He will not disappoint.
    My gut tells me it's a good match - and I hope you all over there feel the same way.
    Take care and thanks for your help in getting him in!