Jan Kay Ravanzo


Ortigas Center, Pasig City


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http://www.pni-businesssolutions.com and www.pnijobs.com
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Comment Wall:

  • Pradeep

    Hey Jan, I observed that you just joined this blog. I'm also new to this website. So, thought of interacting with you and try to find out how this blog will be helpful to us. Could you please guide me. I registered to this blog but don't know the head & tail. I would like to have better understanding of this networking and social site and searching for a person who has past experience in such social networking site. Do you know someone?
  • Joel

    Good to see you here.....

    We have over 250 IT consultants on our W2. We concentrate on C# Dot net, VB Dot Net, Java J2EE, Business Analysis, SAP FICO, BW, HR, Informatica, Data Stage etc.

    I look forward to establishing a mutually benefiting business relationship.

    You can reach me at joelcaresforu@gmail.com
  • Saif Khan

    Hi Jan
  • Pradeep

    Its wonderful to see your scrap and I think, I find my next question in your response only. Why you choose recruitingblog.com only? Well, I found that Philippines are 2 hrs ahead of Delhi, India (Right now its 7:00pm here and its showing 9:30pm at Pasig City). I'm also not a technical person. I've done my Masters in Business Mgmt. A friend of mine suggested that I should visit this website and here I find good articles and video clips related to recruiting industry. So I believe, if you are registered here then its obvious, you are also into Human Resources department or Recruiting Industry. Am I correct?
  • Mike Nale

    Aloha Jan

    Thank you for connecting

  • Pradeep

    Jan, I just saw Mike greeted you with Aloha. What does that mean? Is this Filipino language? Staffing is something that is common between us (As of now). I was swamped with work th at's why not able to scrap you entire week.
  • Pradeep

    Your company website is real good. My organization does recruitment for US Client through our offshore office in Delhi, India. We have our own H1-B candidates whome we place with US clients. Our niche area is Information Technology. Do you think we can get us in business association in any way? I know its too early to ask such questions however I'm trying to find out the possibilities. Have a wonderful weekend!!!
  • Jan Kay Ravanzo

    Hi Pradeep,

    Yes of course we can do business. We have good IT candidates here in the Philippines. Let me know what your requirements are. You can contact me through my email add: jankayr@pnijobs.com or jankayr@hellopni.com Mobile # +63920-9510396
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Gopinath Karunamoorthy

    Hi Jan, we have a branch office in Manila, let me know what kind of IT recruitment services you can do for us, you can write me a mail at gopikaruna@gmail.com, also join my Recruiters Club - http://recruitersclub.ning.com, cheers
  • Harsh Pangi

    Hi Jan:

    I'm looking for professional networking. Please accept my invite.
