Mike Avillion

47, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Basic Materials, Conglomerates, Consumer Goods, Government, Healthcare, Industrial, Utilities
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Ravelli

    We are having a Lunch N Learn Next Wednesday at the Uptown Westin. Our NCASP Legal Advisor, Jeff Patton, will be sharing his knowledge of relevant legal issues surrounding the Hiring / Recruiting process.

    "Getting Off on the Right Foot - A complete review of the recruiting and hiring process". Employment counsel will discuss what should and should not be in your employment applications, the Dos and Don'ts of Interviews, and a checklist of items you need for all new hires.

    link for registration : http://www.ncasp.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=content.home&pageID=138

    Hope to see you next week.

    Thank you for supporting your state association
  • Michael D. Lewis

    Great Bio. I would love to stay hooked up with you and share best practices.
  • Stacey Griffith

    Great to "meet" a local! Really liked your response to "Do You Want to Change The Recruiting Industry For the Better? How?"
  • Stacey Griffith

    We are in Greensboro - downtown
  • Stacey Griffith

  • Deana Brannan

    Greetings Mike!
    Thanks for adding me.

  • Mir Moiz

    Thanks for the contact, Mike.
    I have been working in the area of 'Information Systems' for the past seven years.
    My primary area of expertise is WEB Technologies.

    You can review my LinkedIn profile here:

    For all things WEB you can contact me anytime.
    moosavi [at] gmail.com

    - MIR
  • Susan Burns

    Hi Mike - thanks for joining the Talent Talk Cafe today. Appreciated your input and hope you found it of value and will join us again. Any feedback is appreciated as well - topics, format....
  • Tina Huckabay

    I am....I was there last week and now I'm back in Dallas to pack and move at the end of this month. I have just started looking out there...it seems like there is more healthcare than IT but I spent more time looking at houses than for a job....good to "meet" you!
  • Nate Jewett

    Hey Mike, thanks for the post! I am definitely interested in talking with you... I have a couple of firms that are in need and looking. The challenge has been finding the right candidate that is willing to relocate. Let me know what works best for you...
  • Sharon Johnston

    Mike, thanks for reaching out. Would you have time for a networking conversation as I continue to look for HR opp's in the southeast? Thanks, Sharon