Jennifer Berry


Kansas City, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
All Industries, Financial, Industrial, Services, Technology, Utilities, Other
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Comment Wall:

  • Donato Diorio

    Hi Jennifer, welcome to recruiting blogs. I ask everyone the same question...what is your greatest challenge facing you as a recruiter today?

    Donato Diorio/ CEO
    Broadlook Technologies - Recruiting software (blog)
  • Jennifer Berry

    An uncompetitive compensation plan, and executives who don't listen to the market. I am about 10k+ below market on virtually all jobs, but I am still filling jobs. (Just not as fast as they would like.) And also not having a recruiting budget is a bit of a hassle - if it's free I use it, if not I go without... I've filled 22 high value jobs in the last 90 days and I spent $550.
  • Elaine Basham

    Hi, Jennifer - thanks for reaching out! If we can help you by providing candidate resumes for jobs you're trying to fill, please let me know - and if you have candidates in need of resume help, we'd be happy to talk with them about our services.

    Best - Elaine
  • Earnest

    Thank you for inviting me. I'm a recruiter downtown in healthcare. I'm open to various forms of networking.