Jay C. Langdon

61, Male

Tucson, AZ

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Alisha Smith

    Hi Jay Thanks for the post... i did elaborate in my second comment...

    I guess what i am trying to find out is what are the top 5 issues that an HR exec experiences... is it sourcing, onboarding, quality of hire, and what resouces do you use when looking for solutions to these problem?

    Hope that helps and I very much appreciate your feedback! :)
  • Alisha Smith

    Thanks for your input! I know the question was rather vague, however, what i am trying to determine is when HR Execs are experiencing any issues problems with quality of hire, sourcing candidates, recruiting, legal issues, assessments, back ground checks etc... where do you seek answers? Mainly internet research? Industry trades shows? If so which ones do you attend? Do you blog about it? I appreciate your feedback Jay!