Anthony J. Meaney

Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Anthony. How goes it. Is it really you? can it be?
  • David Perry

    How's life? Still hanging out with Animal at Star Bucks?
  • Gautam Ghosh

    hey Anthony, good to see you here!
  • Anthony J. Meaney


    Took a while but the combined gravitational pull of Jason and the Animal pulled me back into the online recruiter/blogger vortex.

    Dave: I live too far away from the animal to hang with him at starbucks. Sorry I missed your talk last month hope it went well.
  • Bill Vick

    Anthony - I appreciate your support of When can we discuss an interview for
  • Abby Ramos

    Thanks for the welcome. IHS is a company that makes desicion based tools for different industries. Our business unit is an Oil and Gas services company. =)
  • Carol Moore

    Yes I originally did however the question I had was whether you would consider remote. I am pretty good at what I do and I am very driven. But like I said I saw that another asked the same questions
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Yup...back alive ;) wait.. what do you mean you weren't there on Saturday? I thought you wouldn't (50/50 stat to me usually means no) .. happy with my profile pic? hope so! Best ~ Susan p.s. it was nice meeting you with animal. thx for all the heads up. wish you all the best in Canada.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    ps. btw - the photo wasn't cropped intentionally.. to leave you out.. I just save the photo Jason had on the site.. and then uploaded .. so I didn't even realized it until your comment best!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks Anthony for the linkedin comments. I would be happy to meet you again and chat more.. thx for your info.. and wish you all the best! PS - I recall you mention something about you being on recruiting animal call.. when you do, let me know.. and I may just "dial" thx! Susan
  • Anthony J. Meaney


    Hope the picture satisfies you!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    nice picture there Anthony - on your profile.. wait.. that looks different from mine ;P
  • Anthony J. Meaney

    Yeah I am a little younger o this one :)
  • Anthony J. Meaney

    Hahaha there are more juicy Animal stories than juicy Jason stories. And probably more juicy Anthony stories as well.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    I would like to hear all the juicy Anthony stories.. juicy animal stories.. ;) what do I have to do to hear that? LOL.. btw ur profile pic - "lot" younger right? j/k -- by the way, I can get quite sarcastic - ask "animal"
  • Anthony J. Meaney

    Susan to hear the juicy stories you have to come to the next recruitfest.

    And my profile pic is from 10 years ago.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    hmm.. Anthony.. very tempting...

    btw - nice profile pic - you like mine now right? ;)
  • Anthony J. Meaney

    I love yours.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    aww.. how sweet.. wait.. you did get me some water when I got sick right? You are a friend now ;) thx. I appreciate it. best ~
  • Anthony J. Meaney

    Of course I got you water. I am like some gentleman from a bygone age :)