Scott M. Rhoades

50, Male

St. Louis, Missouri

United States

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Which industries do you work in now?

Comment Wall:

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Welcome Scott~ you will love the energy here.. and great professionals to network with.

    All the best!~

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Yes! I saw that. Give it a try.. and you'll see the difference - so far it's been an inclusive space.. a "community" where we can learn from one another and share expertise, experience and resources. Never know.. right? More to come... All the best, Susan
  • Scott M. Rhoades

    Thanks for the advice. I am havinbg some trouble with the site, not able to request connections for some reason. I have been having the same trouble with the talentbar site, not sure if it is on my end or their site. Let me know if you need anything, thanks again Susan!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hey Scott ~ good to hear from you.. and sure.. let me know how things are going with your friend.. just checking to see how things were going on your end ~ keep me posted~ p.s. Have you heard of Jason's Recruitfest? I plan to be there.. let me know if you are...and we can meet there ~~ and chat more..

    Have a great rest of the week ~

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Completely understandable.. and yes.. definitely.. hope to meet and share our knowledge and resources ~ keep me posted. All the best ~ Susan
  • Scott M. Rhoades

    Will do Susan, thanks for your assistance.

    Best of luck to you as well, let me know if you need anything.
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Thanks for that information. I will connect with him via LinkedIn. Hope all is well Scott ~ Best! Susan
  • Scott M. Rhoades

    Can't complain, hope all is well with you too. Thanks for reaching out to Fred, maybe you two can get some business done. All the best!

  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hi Scott - tried to connect him on LinkedIn - but there is 2 profiles of his name btw - didn't know which one - if you can give me his email address & linkedIn address..etc.. I will connect him. Thanks for thinking of me about this ~ best! Susan