Martin Burns


Newburyport, MA

United States

Profile Information:

First Name
Last Name
Country (Pick One)
United States of America
State (if Applicable)
Job Title (select one)
Vice President (Other)
Which industries do you work in now?
Advertising & Marketing
How many employees work at your company?
C. 11-50
LinkedIn Profile
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Comment Wall:

  • Martin Burns

    Here's where I ramble:
  • Recruiting Animal

    Hey, Mr Burns, that's you. Never would have guessed. You don't look anything like I would have imagined.
  • Martin Burns

    This is actually my good twin - I'm really about 4 feet tall, with a hump and a tendency to drool when excited. My mug tends to break lenses, and the feds have sent me a note about not posting it online again, so I'm forced to go with this shot.
  • hans gieskes

    Hey Martin, notice you have Zoominfo jobs listed on your Ning page- given the fact that you are a subscriber, it would be wasy to C & P the reward link into these postings, thus motivating your readers to get searching for ya...
  • Recruiting Animal

    That is me me me in Vegas. But the picture credit goes to The Shukron.
  • Fiona Cherbak

    Thanks, Martin! I'm glad to hear that you're more of "general nut." This has been my "general" experience with friends and colleagues from Massachusetts!!
  • Nicole St.Martin

    Hi Martin - Thanks for the Invite!
  • Peter Gold

    Hi Martin, I'm just a nut :>)
  • Bob Wilson

    Thanks for the invite Martin.

    Bob :-)
  • Mark E. Berger

    Martin: Thanks for the invite. Gotta love that Zoom!!!
  • Martin Burns

    And Zoom loves recruiting Mark :)
  • Misty Cauthen

    Thanks for the invite!!
    What is Zoominfo?
  • Slouch

    Hey Martin, are you going to the ere show in DC this month? It would be great to meet you.
  • Martin Burns

    Hey Slouch :) - yes, and yes it would be. I'm acttually going as an attendee, as opposed to running the booth - should be a nice change of pace.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Did you say you wanted to be a guest on The Recruiting Animal Show or a member of the new Animal Panel? And would you like it delivered on Thursday or Wednesday?
  • Slouch

    Hey Martin, Your blog was nominated in the best corporate recruiting blog category. have a look at the main page. congrats
  • Martin Burns

    Hey Jason - Very, very cool! Thanks for the update.
  • sheila Greco

    If you need anything let me know.
  • Marie

    There you are. Thanks for the invite, Martin!! :-)
  • Slouch

    Your two Zoominfo poker hopefuls once again did not last.
  • Slouch

    exactly. it'll go a long way
  • Sophia Simon

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks a lot for accepting my invitation.

  • Melinda Clason

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for the invite~
  • Tom Scabareti

    Thanks for the invite, please consider me a resource for you and your clients.