

Arlington, Texas

United States

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  • Sally Raade

    Hi Nikki,

    Welcome to the community! Have a great week!

  • Pam Kortekamp

    Hi- I noticed that you had a advertisement to split business and I would love to talk to you about recruiting in the healthcare industry. I recently came off a recruiting assignment with a pharmaceutical firm on contract and would like to pick up some extra work.

    thanks Pam
    Pamela J. Kortekamp
    Director Business Development
    Recruiting Consultant
    Cummins Recruiting Group
    300 Ozark Trial Drive Ste.200
    St. Louis, Missouri 63011
    Lifetime Recruiting Strategies
    PH: 513-753-4926
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Helge V. Keitel

    Thanks for being a friend. Take a look at this one You're welcome Br Helge
  • Gary Corcoran

    Hi Nikki. Thanks for the invite. I got this from a friend. Your pal Gary.
    Slow Dance.This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.
    She wants to see how many people get her poem.It is quite the poem. Please pass it on.

    This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital .
    It was sent by a medical doctor - Make sure to read what is in t he closing statement


    Have you ever
    watched k ids
    On a merry-go-round?

    Or listened to
    the rain
    Slapping on the groun d?

    Ever followed a
    butterfly's erratic flight?

    Or gazed at the sun into the fading

    You better slow down.
    Don't dance so fast.

    Time is short.

    The music won't

    Do you run through each day
    On the

    When you ask How are you?
    Do you hear the reply?

    When the day is done
    Do you lie in your bed
    With the next hundred chores
    Running through
    your head?

    You'd better slow down
    Don't dance so

    Time is short.

    The music won't

    Ever told your child,
    We'll do it
    And in your haste,
    Not see his sorrow?

    Ever lost touch,
    Let a good
    friendship die
    Cause you never had time
    To call
    and say,'Hi'

    You'd better slow down.

    Don't dance
    so fast.
    Time is short.

    The music won't

    When you run so fast to get somewhere
    miss half the fun of getting there.

    When you worry and hurry
    through your day,
    It is like an unopened
    Thrown away.

    Life is not a
    Do take it slower
    Hear the
    Before the song is over.

    Dear All: PLEASE pa ss this mail on to everyone you know -
    even to those you don't know! It is the request of a special girl who wi ll soon
    leave this world due to cancer.

    This young girl has 6 months left to live, an d as h er dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to
    live their life to the fullest, since she never will.

    never make it to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a
    family of her own.

    By you sending this to as many people as
    possible, you can give her and her family a little hope, because with every name
    that this is sent to, The American Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per name
    to her treatment and recovery plan. One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know
    that we can at least send it to 5 or 6. It's
    not even your money, just your time!PLEASE PASS ON AS A LAST REQU EST.

    Dennis Shields, Professor
    Department of Dev elopmental and Molecular Biology
    1300 Morris Pa r k Avenue
    Bronx , New York
  • Gary Corcoran

    Completely unbelievable. Gary.
  • Anil Kola

    Hi Nikki,

    SInce i am looking out for Numura System Manager for one of my vendor could you mail me you official email id. My email id is Looking forward to hear from you at my email address