Ann Luna


Tampa FL

United States

Profile Information:

First Name
Last Name
Country (Pick One)
United States of America
State (if Applicable)
Job Title (select one)
Director (Recruiting)
Which industries do you work in now?
Technology, Other, Services
How many employees work at your company?
A. Myself Only
LinkedIn Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Dave Mendoza

    Welcome to our community. Look forward to seeing you here more often and best wishes

    Feel free to post a picture and more details on your profile if you like. You can also add music and video, it's really cool.

    Dave Mendoza
  • Dennis Smith

    Hi Ann! Nice to see you in the community : )

  • Art Miller


    Welcome. I'm just north of Houston.

    I train lots of sales people, and also do behavioral interview training,

    Please let me know if I can ever be of help to you.

    And let me know if you'd like to extend an offer to LinkedIn.


  • Ken Rochon


    I love your music. Where did you get it?

    Do you like music a lot?

  • Leslie Mason

    Hey Girl,

    Good to see you here... we need to catch up soon!

  • Terri

    I love your music too. I have been looking to get the cd for the movie "Woman on Top". Such great music; you feel like you are on vacation.
  • Technical Recruiter Gal

    Thanks for the invite Ann - yes, this will certainly be an adventure, lol!
  • libby gilmore trammell

    Things are great! We are all really excited about our new CEO and the direction of the company.
  • libby gilmore trammell

    Yes it is. I'll sure send any qualified candidates your way.
  • Technical Recruiter Gal

    The pic you sent of your furry boys is too cute! Thanks for sharing Ann!
  • Bill Vick

    Hi Ann - I'll look forward to seeing how we can help each other overtime. Sales recruiting is where it's at. :)
  • Amanda Papp

    Glad to connect!! Would love to chat with you sometime!
  • Foster Williams

    Hey Ann,
    Thanks for the invite. You are up early with us chickens today huh ???
  • Misty Flippin

    Thank you!
  • Technical Recruiter Gal

    Miss Ann - a big thank you for everything! You are stellar and I will continue to pass leads your way. Enjoy Vegas and win big! Chat with you when you get back :)
  • Cindy Gundersen

    Hi Ann, thanks for your help in Dallas! Cindy
  • Donavon Corliss

    Thanks, trying to get it all figured out.
  • Anji Williams

    This is crazy! Thanks Ann....I hope I can find a good opportunity through this tool!
  • Susan Kang Nam

    Hello Ann ~ it was great meeting you at Recruitfest ~ I would love to keep in touch ..definitely.. and thx for the photo comment.. long story short.. I had to re-do the photos few times .. ;) xo! Susan KIT - ( and/or
  • Jerry Albright

    Thanks Ann! It was a treat to be surrounded by so many people who are "doing their thing" like me! Enjoy Texas and I'm sure we'll meet again.
  • David Jacks

    Hello Ann,
    Great to meet you at Recruitfest. I love what you've done with your page. Keep in touch.
  • Brian Jaeger

    It was lots of fun. I'm still wondering where the weekend went? Hope you had a nice trip up here to Toronto. Maybe we will clack again some time. Keep well.
  • Slouch

    Thanks Ann. It was great to meet you and I appreciate you making the journey. It was a fun couple of days
  • Jason Leonard

    Absolutely, Ann. It was good seeing you again today at John Sumser's Recruiting Roadshow. Don't be a stranger and congrats on all the recent placements!