Adam Krueger



United States

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  • Jason C. Blais

    Hi Adam, and welcome to Recruiting Blogs! I have a question for you, if you have a moment. My wife, who's in her 30's, is completing her undergrad degree in Biochemistry, at Smith College. She has an Associates in Biotechnology (w/3.96 GPA), and worked as a Scientist I with a division of a large multinational biomedical company, in their R&D lab for about a year before deciding to go back to school.

    I'm just curious about what type of opportunities there are for someone with a BA or BS in Biochemistry, with an Associates in Biotech, and a year's real world lab experience? (I say BA or BS because there's some talk about changing the program at the school from a BA to a BS for next year)

    Do you feel it's absolutely necessary to immediately continue on to the post-grad work, or are there good opportunities to be had with the 4 year degree- she's really very interested in staying the lab and working in R&D...
  • Jason Babyak

    I may be able to help you out here in PHX but I do not have any Chem E's in my file so my resources may be somewhat limited to what you have. Feel free to drop me an e-mail at if you would like.
