Marie Journey


Navarre, FL

United States

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  • Jim Stroud

    Truly a pleasure hanging out with you at SourceCon! See you in 2008
  • Dave Copps

    Marie. It was great meeting you @ SC. We only spoke for a short while and I felt like I needed more time - great comments!.
  • Jim Stroud

    Thanks for the dance! (Smile)

    The Recruiters Lounge - Live at SourceCon 2007 from Jim Stroud on Vimeo.
  • Marie Journey

    My pleasure - The Subject of Sourcing...Let it move you!
  • Bob Hatcher

    Your welcome. Where is Navarre??
  • Marie Journey

    On the beach - Gulf of Mexico, next to Pensacola: When I open my door...I smell the Ocean in the air.
  • Suzy Tonini

    Hi Marie!! I feel like a major latecomer nice meeting you at SourceCon! So, how is InfoGist treating you these days ;-)
  • Marie Journey

    Hey Suzy, "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!" Know what you mean...just got added myself. Congrats on your SourceCon win :) One of three. Talk about being best of the best.

    Well, as you know, I am a huge fan of InfoGist. As I did not know...Microsoft has two types of Monster accounts: a pay per click (for Newbies like me) at $2.00/view and then a buffet style/traditional password. Didn't find that out until 3 weeks into usage. Imagine 3 weeks worth of automated pulls at $2.00 a pop?

    Hope all is superfine on your front - Marie
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Hey, I think we spoke for "the project" I was doing a couple months back :)
  • Tina L Owens

    Thanks Marie and I will do my best to be an asset. I know I will need help learning the ropes at MS, so it's a big bonus to have help. Thanks again!
  • Marie Journey

    Hey Mike - When it comes to systems, processes, and let's just say it...a faster, smarter, way to do a better job in less time...I'm interested :)
  • George Easton

    Haha... True. I'm constantly at my desk... Gym? What's that? ...

    I'm getting a little better with the work/life balance thing, but its still an uphill battle. Perhaps I should start a support group for recruit-a-holics. You could be my co-captain!
  • Marie Journey

    Too true - When my new bike (worth more than my car) was collecting dust, I even bought a "trainer" to convert it to a stationary to ride while on the headset. How ridiculous can you get? Yes, we need to unite and have moral support.

    Like, "Okay, George, step away from your laptop/desk. Get into the sunshine. Breathe. You still have your smart phone with complete access. Now put the phone down near the front door. Now sprint to end of the drive way and race back to the phone!!! Terrific, George - Now, you do that 5 times and I will send you a bonus lead for your impossible to fill req." ;)
  • Kay Kelison

    very cute kid and a good looking mom too :0)
  • Jim Stroud

    That kid is a heartbreaker if ever there was one.
  • Kim louis

    Hi Marie thanks for adding me...I have joined recruiting blog today so taught of adding and creating my own network as i am not so experienced in recruiting field needed help. I was working with IBM for last couple of years, then moved into recruiting field.