Rob McIntosh

, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Which industries do you work in now?
Conglomerates, Consumer Goods, Financial, Government, Healthcare, Industrial, Services, Technology, Utilities, Other
Twitter Profile

Comment Wall:

  • Slouch

    Hey Rob, how are you. Is Atlanta treating you well?
  • Rob McIntosh

    Lov'in it.

    Like the new site. What's up with the Slouch handle?
  • Slouch

    I bought the domain name and without knowing that whatever name you sign up to you are stuck with it. Oh well.
  • Andrew Boyle

    Hi Rob

    Nice to meet you
  • hans gieskes

    Hi Rob, good to see you here - my gut says there'ssomething very powerful about this NIng paltform - just wish i had time to explore it more. Aussies did well in world cup, right?
  • Slouch

    Hey Rob and Hans. My gut says the same thing.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Hey, Macca, dude. What's with Atlanta? Is it some kind of recruiting mecca? (Am I allowed to say mecca?)
  • Rob McIntosh

    Don't you mean some kind of Macca :-)
  • Recruiting Animal

    I get it. Macca is the navel of the recruiting world. And in the centre of town there's a lot of stoned recruiters walking around in circles.
  • Recruiting Animal

    Macca, you can turn off your Ning notifications. I did. Mind you no one from the other Ning networks is bugging me. They must like your face.
  • Rob McIntosh

    Already done but thanks for your wisdom
  • Suzy Tonini

    You've been tagged! Not my fault- blame Amybeth...check it out here:

    Thanks Fearless Leader!
  • Leslie O Connor

    you've been tagged

    Hey Rob third challenge is very tough.
  • Amarjeet Singh amarjeet_s at

    Trying on this one for 2 days now.... Really tough...
  • Mike Notaro

    It was a pleasure finally meeting you in person. The things you shared and discussed with me is worth it's weight in gold. Looking forward to working with on future endeavors.
  • Sonia Rodricks

    Hi Rob ,

    Thanks for adding me . How are you ? So you visit Australia when your free .. i had been to perth and sydney a year back .. it was kool ..

  • Gerry Crispin

    Have a great holiday
    best wishes for the New Year
  • Recruiting Animal

  • Recruiting Animal

    God save the Queen!
  • Joshua Letourneau

    Ah, the voice of reason - keep up the great work, Rob ;)

    - The Human Capitalist
  • Carlos Adame


    How's life post-Microsoft?

  • Rob Daugherty

    Hey Rob......just wanted to say hello. Hope all is going well.
  • Alex Truchot

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.
    If you would like to join my LinkedIn network, I accept all invitations.
    View Alex Truchot's profile on LinkedIn
  • Chris Bell

    What's happening Rob? How Atl?
  • Stephen

    Hello Rob, You will likely not remember me but I have enjoyed reading your comments on ERE before. Hope you are doing well. -Steve Hood
  • Stephen

    Have you ever heard of "the life of riley"? ... Well, this dog pic is my dog Riley and the catch phrase fits him. He has it made. I used his picture because he reminds me of a few qualities I strive for daily... be friendly, be active, communicate well without having to say much, be a very good listener, and nothing gets him down, noyhing (he just gets up and gets moving again and again). He does have a down side though. He is not one to share. We are working on that. Bye. Have a great weekend!
  • Susan Burns

    Congrats on the new gig Rob! Are you staying in Atlanta or coming back to the NW? Cheers!